Sunday, January 29, 2017

Epictetus, 55 AD & Zukav, 2017 Know the Same Truth

“The chief task in life is simply this: to identify and separate matters so that I can say clearly to myself which are externals not under my control, and which have to do with the choices I actually control. Where then do I look for good and evil? Not to uncontrollable externals, but within myself to the choices that are my own…”
                                                                                  ~Epictetus, Discourse, 2.5.4-5

“When perception of the physical world is limited to the five-sensory modality, the basis of life in the physical arena becomes fear.  Power to control the environment, and those within the environment appears to be essential.

The need for physical dominance produces a type of competition that affects every aspect of our lives.

It disrupts the natural tendency toward harmony between nations and between friends.”
                                                                       Gary Zukav, The Seat of the Soul, p.22,23

Epictetus is a stoic Greek philosopher. His teachings were recorded by one of his students.  He began his life as a slave and by permission of his master was permitted to study books of philosophers.  Later when he was a freedman he became a philosopher himself.  The above quote is the foundation of all his philosophical conclusions.

Gary Zukav was born in Texas and is alive today. He is a graduate of Harvard and was a Special Forces Green Beret.  When he returned from his duty in 1970 he went wild with sex, drugs, and alcohol. One day he was introduced by a friend to quantum physics and became very aware of his spiritual being. This awareness is what saved his life. He teaches, “You are a spiritual being, you have always been a spiritual being but as you become aware that you are a spiritual being this is where the difference is made in your life.”

All roads lead to the same truths whether the truth comes from Epictetus 55 AD or Gary Zukav or your own discovery, at some point when you realize you are not in control of anyone or anything but your own mind, your inner mind begins to bring you the peace you sought externally.  It can only be found within your mind.

Your time, your place, your abilities, your special something that only you can do is why you are here. Your personality aligned with your natural ability will be a part of healing the world.  To spread yourself thin doing everything will stress you, make you fearful.  Find the thing that brings you the most peace and share it with someone.

And so I read, write, study ET and BK to be the best me I can be. Peace begins within me.

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