Thursday, January 5, 2017

Echart Tolle wrote The Power of Now, I think I'll write The Power of NO! for Women

The morality of the world is determined by women at least that is what my mother told me once and more recently my husband. Morality is more than sex but maybe this is the basis for the lack of the other moral codes.  We'll explore this more another day...

Interesting that men write all the commandments to almost every religion yet they are plagued by the animalistic need to do the act of reproducing.  There is so much more to living life in kindness than this one act.  Several books today written by men promote this as an all-consuming drive for every man and teach IF this drive is conquered, then a man can become clear thinking and see his purpose in this life. Thank God, we, women don't suffer from this.

 Read Megyn Kelly's autobiography, Settle for More to get first hand knowledge of this.

You do the math, where is the "spin" leaning to favor?  Men and their animalistic drive. The first time I moved away from my home to live on my own, my father told me, "I may be too late to teach you anything, but I'll tell you anyway, men of God are men too, and all men are animals. Be careful out there."

I naively answered, "Daddy please, all men are not animals, come on."

Now sixty years later, I say, Daddy was right..."Most men are on the prowl and it is up to women to say, NO!"

Now if you take my husband to be an authority on men, and he does... he claims...

There are more good, solid, morally upright men who stay with their children than not! Men who love the mother of these precious gifts. (Children)  Who work everyday to provide for and protect his wife and family are of the silent majority because they are doing the right thing, taking care of their life and families. There is no drama.

Women are so easily seduced by men, that they give of themselves way too much before they consider what the wandering man is giving outside of sweet words, sex, and money and it usually is NOT a lifetime monogamous commitment!

I use to be in favor of sexual freedom for men and women but now I see 50 years later, women are lowering themselves too often and too much to the male's instinct instead of raising men to ours. I think we need to pull back on the sexual freedom thing.

If women wrote the "Ten Commandments" or "Constitution of Morality" instead of making the first three, DO NOT QUESTION the written authority of these man made laws, sounds like a military battle instead of morality to live by. Women would include much more needed protection for all.

The first one would be:

1) Do not molest or have sex to fulfill selfish lust with anyone.

2) Do not mutilate men, women, or children ever.

3) Do not torture a human being or animal ever.

And women being the YIN to the YANG are to my experience, much more open to new ideas would also probably include "Common Sense Rules to Live Life By"or the Bills of Rights to the above constitution and state what you "can" do instead of "orders of what you cannot do."

1) Once you marry (Do not get married too young) and have babies, make it work for a lifetime. You are free to choose who you marry or if you want to get married at all. If anyone tries to make you do this, against your will, good bye to them and send them away, or you leave.

*** No violence ever tolerated! Study www.the by Byron Katie and Eckhart Tolle to live in harmony with one another. (Yeah I added that 😉)

2) You can be respected and respect others opinions even if their opinions are different from yours. If      someone does not give you this respect, say good bye to them and send them away or you leave.

3) You have control of your mind only, no one else, be kind to everyone and in everything you do.            If someone is not kind to you, or uses you, say good bye to them and send them away or you                leave.

You will surround yourself with loving, respectful, supportive, people, have boundaries to accomplish this.  The Power of No helps here too. I heard Maya Angelou, in her later years, would not tolerate anyone being negative or cursing in her house, she would ask them to leave. I love this woman!

Now if this confuses anyone, let's be clear.

If any organization, any religion, corporation, sports coach, teacher, director, producer any high powered  position in Hollywood, modeling, friend, doctor, lawyer, priest, minister, president, business owner, requires you to take off your clothes, or perform sex, this is a red flag...

DON'T DO IT!  You get away and find your own path with your morals in tact and dignity.

Here's a bigger one, if any religion, corporation, positon in Hollywood, modeling, or business requires you give up the supervision and education of your children to them...

DON'T DO IT! This is a dangerous!  Enough people are speaking out today to make this clear to future members of any organization. Don't do it! (Learn from their mistakes)

Someone has to say it because every time I read or hear of another man in power messing up a child or woman's life because she was convinced at first, "It was OK, he seemed nice enough."   I want to say, "Does anyone have a backbone to say NO?"   The Power of NO  walk away, another way will present itself if you don't give up.

Keep your marriage safe with one another, nurture your love, the children will be grown soon enough and out of your lives forever if you want it.  But for now keep your children, wife, husband, close. Life is short.

And learn The Power of NO!

P.S.  My husband also thinks women are the ones who will save this world and get it back in balance because women are the only ones who can say "NO" and mean it.  I wonder where he got that idea?

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