Sunday, January 15, 2017

Some Preach Diet, Some Soul, Some Mind, I say None of These

GMOs have been a topic of discussion recently.  Scientists with good motives in the beginning, (The need to feed more people, we need to produce more food, faster) have come across a money maker. As is so often the ego of men, the temptation to let things slide for the greater good of man, may have turned out harmful to the many,  but proves profitable too. Now there is a dilemma.

It seems these GMOs are possibly causing many allergens in our bodies and our children. Maybe the peanut allergy of this generation came from the diet these kids consumed?  It seems from what little I have read, chicken, all corn, corn products including corn syrup, and some fish have inconclusive research as to the damage it does to our bodies and our children due to GM.

Vegans preach non-violence to animals.  Religions teach non-violence to our souls. Physical trainers preach non-violence to your body.  Psychiatrists preach non-violence to our mind.

But in the end I seem to do whatever I want to do, regardless of the damage it does to me or others as long as I don't feel any pain. If something feels really good, I used to do this regardless of the harm it did to my body.  I was addicted to sugar in my early life, then I smoked cigarettes for a while,  later addicted to negative thinking, and I found I would only pay attention to the part that caused me the most pain.

So if I begin to feel pain in my body continuously, I seek ways to get rid of it.

So if I feel pain in my mind, continuous stressful thoughts, I seek to get rid of it.

So if I feel pain in my soul, I don't know how to separate my body or mind from a soul, so I'll file this under good conscious, we all have this, then I change what I am doing to not harm myself or others.

Through reading and studying and speaking with people who were experts in each area I discovered over the years that for me, being aware of what I put into my mouth helped my body and mind run more efficiently or not.

Sugar made me hyper, bite my nails, and gave me a cloudy mind.  So I began to cut down on this and felt better, I found I had more energy, and could think clearer.  I cut out obvious sugar (candy, cupcakes, pies, carbonated drinks, milk shakes, milk, donuts, pastries, etc.) for three years and found my bones did not ache anymore.  I slowly was seduced back into it and ate less but did not eliminate it.

Why?  I did not have pain.  I liked the taste of sugar.  It is addicting.

Why did I smoke cigarettes in my early life?  Peer pressure at first, then I liked the high I felt...why did I quit?  I was going to have a baby and read the damage it could do to children, in utero and later, second hand smoke.  Then I learned of the damage it did to my lungs, and quit altogether. I still remember the day I decided to quit, April 9, 1983.  Never picked it up again because I love my children too much to expose them to toxic fumes I can avoid.

Now there is toxic contamination everywhere.  The GMOs in crops, the toxins in soil, the pollution in air, the toxic violent words and actions that pollute the social media, the TV, the movies, the news channels, the prisons of thought that all of these can put me into without me knowing it, what to do?

I have to think for myself.  I have to be open to getting new information in my mind, a logical, reasonable, skeptical but intelligent mind, and then take action on that which seems right and kind to me. If unsure what this is, read.  What sage, guru, religion, gives you peace of mind? "There is nothing new under the sun" (KJV Bible)  and there are plenty of successful and good people living their dream for us to investigate and copy if we choose.

Fanatics come from their story of health and healing that made them free.  If you were healed by vegan lifestyle, juicing and organic diet, this may seem the only way to you.  If you were healed by exercising four hours a day, then this may seem the only way to you.  If you were healed by going to church daily or believing in a guru you found on some mountain in Tibet, this may be the only way to you.

I say"None of these," and in the same breath I say, "All of these."

Just as you and I have that special thing that makes us, we, whatever the cure is for our broken body or mind, only we can find the answer.  If I am to be free of my pain, I have to free my mind of the prisons I live in there.  Only I have this key. Only you have your key.  Think for yourself.

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