Sunday, January 1, 2017

Personality is Perfect But We Don't Need To Be

Oprah Winfrey gave a talk at Stanford Graduate School that is full of a life of lessons learned.  Her patience and wisdom to abide in her life until the next door of opportunity opens she seems to have had from childhood.  Amazing woman she is.

If you ever feel like you don't know what to listen to inspire you today, check out this on You Tube.  Oprah on Career Life and Leadership

I have listened to this again and again, so full of wisdom.  One point she made in this I find really refreshing and true is that our "Personality is perfect for our purpose and once the two are in alignment nothing can stop us."

So in this New Year I plan to be in love with my personality knowing I needed this to fulfil my purpose.  If we really believe in ourselves we must love ourselves. (Love self, love the world.)

Pema Chodren teaches we don't have to do everything perfectly but in striving to be the best we can be we become aware of our shortcomings and in this awareness we wake up over time.  As we wake up we become aligned with our purpose, we see it clearly.

Wow, we have the perfect personality to live our life here and now.

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