Tuesday, May 30, 2017

God I love Latin!

Auribus teneo lupum literally means, “I grasp a wolf by the ears”. It’s supposed to convey a situation where you are damned if you do and damned if you don’t. In other words, grabbing on to the wolf’s ears or letting go could both end in disaster.

Today is that phrase... my sacred friend will soon be no more.

Monday, May 29, 2017

Simple Kindness is the Greatest Way to World Peace

Simple understanding of the beauty of this life is the answer to world peace.  This 5 senses world full of sensationalism and exhibitionists bring to light the need to go within to find it.  Peace is never found in outward actions that feel good for a moment. It is found in maintaining the state of mind that shuns confusion and complicated thoughts of betrayal, revenge, and excess, and focuses on kindness and compassion.  

Thankful to be simple today.

Sunday, May 28, 2017

Harry Potter Has a Charm for that...

We are watching the entire series of Harry Potter movies, one each weekend.  Of course my Sweetheart has never seen any of them but he is enjoying watching with me.  Last night we were watching Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban where Professor Lupin is teaching the Defense Against the Dark Arts to the students.  He is teaching them to take their most fearful thing and use the Expecto Protronus charm to turn the fearful thing into a thing to laugh at.  

There is a huge wardrobe in the classroom that the door opens and the thing you think of that you fear enters the room.  Example: Ron Weasley turned a giant spider into a spider with roller skates with a wave of his wand and the spoken words.  

I see Daniel Radcliffe, aka Harry Potter is suffering from a disease, dyspraxia, he does not talk about. So I look it up and it seems he has a mild case as he cannot tie his shoes.  Have you seen the great resume of acting this guy has done since being a little tyke?  He first came to my attention in David Copperfield, he was an amazing gifted actor when he was a child!  It seems the remedy for Dyspraxia is keep a positive attitude and focus on a high self esteem.  Really? That's it?

Compared to the draw backs I have experienced with ADHD I can hardly say his Dyspaxia has caused him any real problems.  Can we talk problems?

My Sweetheart said, "Why doesn't he say Expecto Protieous and be done with it?"

Saturday, May 27, 2017

We Need to Apply the Teachings to our Lives, not Worship the Person.

Lions Roar is a magazine I enjoy. It features meditation and Buddhist "Rinpoches." (teachers)  No doubt I am thankful I have lived in an era to meet the 14th Dalai Lama especially since China is determined to wipe the Tibetans off the map and choose the next Dalai Lama, one that supports Chinese government.  So sad.  The Buddhist religion or culture whichever you prefer, is beautiful, but may soon be a thing of the past if China rules.

The rituals, the chimes, the gongs, the flags for peace, the meditation, cushions, supplies, I do love them all. The teachings are all recorded for all to study. This religion has given me much inner peace and taught inner reflection before I found Byron Katie's "work" and Eckhart Tolle's teachings.  (My first choice of inspiration to live by is these)

There are those who focus on the person, the 14th Dalai Lama, and Christians in Christianity focus on Jesus. This recent issue of Lions Roar has on the front page as a main article  The Dalai Lama, “We Need Him Now More Than Ever."

The truth is, even the Dalai Lama would say, "Is we need more people to do the peaceful practices every day, not focus on the person teaching it."

Friday, May 26, 2017

I Changed My Mind...

I love the present moment in everything Eckhart Tolle and Byron Katie teach except…
Loving your significant other, I want that love to be for a lifetime.

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Parents Teach more through Actions than Words

My life has been one of studying why people, including myself, have not reached the fullest potential at different times in our life. Is it anything in the 5 senses world?  No.  Through many books read, listening to people tell me their story, it is this...it is the angry thoughts about us, others, and life situations that if not quieted through reason and logic grows into a monster of destruction, first these thoughts will destroy you, and then the world around you. 

In the beginning it may be simple self-confusion. Then the world betrays the innocence of understanding through a series of experiences that do not turn out the way we think it should in a world of order. We see life is unfair now.  In youth, still hopeful, we work and try to make a difference in a world that can be chaotic and seemingly against us. But is it?  Maybe it is our misunderstanding of the imperfect world we live in and the ignorance that we alone, can have “inner peace."

Inner peace. Where do we find it? Where do we begin to look? What if it does not exist?  What if this whole life is not worth the effort to find the inner peace?  Each of us has the answer for these questions and each of us will live the result of the answers we decide are true.

Having money can make a destructive mind settle sooner for the uncomfortable answers.  Money allows an individual to slink into the darkness, disappear into an unnoticed existence, and stop seeking the answers needed for a fuller peaceful life, basically just live without anyone till you die. But if the destructive thoughts are not silenced in reason and logic, the confused, unconscious, person will silence these with alcohol and drugs, one way or the other these angry disagreeing opinions will stop. Alcohol is a slow suicide.

Thankful I am not an alcoholic. Thankful I am not married to one.  My dear mother-in-law died of alcoholism and I loved her so much.  I asked her once in the early years of my marriage, "Was she ever going to stop drinking alcohol?"  She said. "No." That was the day I decided I would never be a part of an intervention or ask her to stop.  It is her life and she has a right to it.  I steered clear of her when I stopped in and she was drunk.  Yet I could see the potential she had if she had not decided to drown herself in vodka.  She was a Political Science major, Vassar graduate, spoke several languages and was preparing to be an Ambassador to Mexico for the United Nations when her father died before she graduated college. Unprepared to deal with this, she struggled and settled on a life she did not really want, to end up on this farm, unhappy. Her words, not mine. 

I have learned if someone is determined to drink and be angry, I cannot help. As a matter of fact, it is not my job to do so.  I can however separate from the alcohol and the anger to save myself, to not make my life a sacrifice to their destructive behaviors or an unending feeble attempt to save her or him.  However I cannot help but have compassion for them. Today I heard of another relative that gave up to alcohol and is losing friends quickly. This one, a lawyer who inherited money, and no longer practices law.  She too now is becoming a recluse that drinks alone in the darkness of her mind and home. Her mother and father were educated, well off, and they drank themselves to death too.

Parents teach more through their actions than their words.

It makes me sad to see a family so full of potential, separate and wither away drinking her/himself to death.  Thankful for finding my way to inner peace and sending vibrations of goodness to others. Namaste.

Another Ministry Started? No thanks.

There are some acquaintances that we have known for years.  This one couple we know use to be Catholic but like so many Catholics I know today they ventured out to learn more about God for themselves instead of being spoon fed (ceremonies in another language) the rules of God to live by. Of course this leads to breaking away from the Catholic Church.  Cafeteria Catholics are those left behind to pick and choose what they attend or believe.  People are waking up to NOT being happy wearing blinders and not questioning leaders in the church anymore.  

Think religion is not big business?  All of them once inside your brain are getting people to give their money mindlessly to the church.  There are so many people that could use that money in a more constructive way.  Lookup "Heifer International", "Ten Thousand Villages", etc.  Church personalities get bigger houses and planes, and how is this helping to end war and poverty worldwide? It is NOT.

Many Catholics friends do not easily go with a belief system that requires deep connection with the essence of what it is to be human and therefore letting go of a book, a church group or an organized religion.  My Catholic friends therefore go to a new age Christian church like Grace Fellowship here, others down south go to Congregational Christian Church.  Nevertheless it is a building with a group of believers that have a support group of their beliefs. That is good for them. To be weightless on earth to trust intuition to live is out of the question. They need 5 senses book to touch.

I have never felt comfortable in any group in any building and have traveled a path to find my own truth.  The only thing that felt right to me was the teachings of Buddhism that incorporates the 5 senses into my actions and outcomes. Still I am not Buddhist.  I do not join groups because groups are not necessary.

Then in my continued seeking I found the work with Byron Katie and eventually Eckhart Tolle.  To be free to live on my terms, taking responsibility for my own life and actions, is the greatest freedom of all, weightless.  To be in touch with my inner peace which is loving and kind is my guide post.  I am not responsible for others salvation and they are not responsible for mine.  I can be non-judgmental of others and only take action to protect another when violence is subjugating innocents.  

There are enough religions and ministries around and there is NOT enough acceptance and unity among them.  Personally I do not think we need another ministry started but our acquaintances are starting another one. They will be the self-proclaimed leaders and invite us to join. No thanks, been there got that t-shirt, moving beyond.  

So thankful for BK and ET.  These teachers share and leave the rest of us to think with our brain to wake up to conscious thinking and live as we choose with no condemnation or need to tell us this way is "the only way."  No judgments against those that require another ministry, it is just not for me anymore. We are all one.  


Wednesday, May 24, 2017

The Spinner

All our children were together for daughter's graduation day. We are so busy and see each other rarely, we play catch up on all the happenings in our lives in a 36 hour period.

In our conversations we talk about inventions the new ones we like such as… have you heard about the “Anger Management Rooms” in NYC.  People pay to destroy a room with a weapon of your choice. Ax, baseball bat or crowbar. The room is supplied with furniture from Salvation Army complete with pictures on the wall and coffee tables, everything you would see in a regular house living room. The main customer is divorced men.  No wonder, this is no joke, a real business. ($100 an hour)

Another business in NYC is “The Cuddler.”  This man who is a masseuse will give you a massage and then spend hours with you spooning.  Women are the main customer.  No there is no sex involved at all. Some customers just want to cuddle.  Who knew there was a market for this? Anyway he claims he is booked 24/7.  ($80.00 an hour)

My eldest tells me of...The spinner. It is a ball bearing spinner device you hold in your hand and sells for $19.99 at check outs in NYC.

Me:  “What?” I say. “Shut up! This is ridiculous who would waste good money on such a thing, I don’t believe these are selling are they?"

My son: “Everyone is buying them you see people everywhere spinning them.”

Me: “Good grief, this generation can waste more time and money doing nothing. It would be nice for them to slow down and think of doing something productive with their time.”

Next day I went to lunch with my daughter and meet some kid playing a guitar and he has spinners on the table in front of him.

Me: I ask him, “What are those?”

Kid: He says, “Spinners.”

Me: I say, “Can I try it?” 

Kid: He says, “I have lots of them you can have that one.”

Me: “Really? Thank you.”

I played with that damn thing for 8 hours all the way home. Now I want one that glows in the dark...

This Story of "The Brass Ring"

Brass ring devices were developed during the heyday of the carousel in the U.S.—about 1880 to 1921. At one time, the riders on the outside row of horses were often given a little challenge, perhaps as a way to draw interest or build excitement, more often as an enticement to sit on the outside row of horses which frequently did not move up and down and were therefore less enticing by themselves. Most rings were iron, but one or two per ride were made of brass; if a rider managed to grab a brass ring, it could be redeemed for a free ride. References to a literal brass ring go back into the 1890s.
As the carousel began to turn, rings were fed to one end of a wooden arm that was suspended above the riders. Riders hoped that the timing of the carousel rotation (and the rise-and-fall motion of their seat, when movable seats were included in the outer circle of the carousel) would place them within reach of the dispenser when a ring (and preferably a brass ring) was available.
Another system had mostly steel rings of no value and one brass ring, and a target into which the rings were to be thrown (for example the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk Looff Carousel uses a clown target shown in the photo above, and the Knoebel's Amusement Resort Grand Carousel uses a lion target),]discouraging retention of the rings as souvenirs.
"Grabbing the brass ring" or getting a "shot at the brass ring" also means striving for the highest prize, or living life to the fullest. It is not clear when the phrase came into wide use but has been found in dictionaries as far back as the late 19th century.
We recently had a brilliant idea! Or so we thought...
Our daughter graduated and her father, my husband, wanted to make something special for her. He remembered the story of "Grabbing for the Brass Ring" and thought he would like to make a stand with a "Brass Ring" to symbolize her accomplishment. (She received her Master of Science)  He worked all night in between doing other things and even found an engraver to do a brass plate for the wood stand. It was beautiful. We both like unusual things and thought this is unique and special because he made it.
Long story short at the dinner after the graduation he presented it to her and the entire table which included ages from 72 to 14, (about 15 people present) had not heard of the brass ring story so the significance of it was lost to all present.
Back to the drawing board...

Monday, May 22, 2017

Have You Met This Family Member? The COA?

You know the one that has to be the "Center Of Attention?  If anyone else has a special day, a special occasion, anything outside of him or her…the COA, will find a way to get the focus on him/her again.

I experienced this person recently.  This post is for anyone that has had to stand in the shadow of this narcissist… There are two way to think about this. One way will lead to anger and bitterness, the other will lead to freedom and joy.
1) Get angry and tell them to get out of your way. (“Defense first act of war” ~ Byron Katie warns about this)

2)  Speak with them explaining your boundaries, letting him/her know this is not about him/her and then “heap loads of kindness on their head.”  (And make plans to move away and find your own life Skeeter)

One thing that seems preposterous but true is this…when a person really claims his/her own independence against the protest of family and friends and goes out and makes a life of his/her own choosing, not only is the joy of living life on your terms discovered but the narcissist will admire you for it!

In America we have this freedom.  Free to live and achieve as much as we want as far as our mind can see.  But we will never do this if we hold on to “Old School” ways that exhaust and defeat new ideas and ways of living.  Inner peace, inner confidence, so necessary to move out in the world.

Grab for "The Brass Ring."  Someone will get it, "Why not you?"

Your Finest Hour

You have worked at it for years, you have dreamed of the day, you walk down the aisle or up to the stage to your finest hour.  What in your life did you decide to do and you accomplished it?

There will be many finest hours in your life as you continue to plan, pursue, and achieve.  Breathe in these moments. Savor the taste of satisfaction.  Appreciate yourself because no one knows for sure what it took for you to do it.

Look around.  Who helped you achieve this success?  Thank them, thank yourself.  There are challenges in this life that will keep coming as you live.  Relax and embrace this life, there will be many more finest hours.

Think of these fine hours when you are challenged with confidence that there will be more finest hours as you stay thankful and keep moving forward.

Congratulations dear one. We are so proud of you.

Meditation Does not Guarantee Positive Thinking or Peaceful Actions

There is much talk about meditation. Celebrities tell people, "I do it!"  And it is true it can make anyone peaceful in the moment that practices it.

My discovery is that although meditation can calm you down it does not insure peaceful thinking and peaceful actions.  That is a separate practice altogether.  What do you focus on?  Do you study the Bible? The Quran? Buddhism?  Eckhart Tolle? Anthony Robbins? Byron Katie Mitchell? Jewish religion?  All the "isms" throughout the world? Watch who or what you look to for you truth, does it lead you to peaceful relationships and a peaceful world?  If not, you better change the focus of your study.

This reminds me of a poem recited by Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu, Gandhi, Margaret Thatcher and Eleanor Roosevelt:

“Watch your thoughts, they become words;
watch your words, they become actions;
watch your actions, they become habits;
watch your habits, they become character;
watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.”

Thursday, May 18, 2017

"The Universe Is A Friendly Place" Again...

This one mantra is one I am currently hammering into my head. If I can believe this ONE thing, truly believe this one mantra then I can relax and KNOW that everything that happens to me, good or bad is moving toward the destiny of my dreams. I can maintain inner peace that is the goal for me.

So like in every paradigm shift of consciousness I celebrate "baby steps." Yesterday we ordered a plate to be engraved for our daughter's graduation.  My Sweetheart had handmade a "thing" for her and was contemplating the size and shape so the plate was first this size and in comparison to font size it would be clearly read...

Now I must make the point here that I am not a procrastinator. My Sweetheart has won award for procrastination but no one can criticize him for it because he always makes an "A+" on all his procrastinations.  Me?  I would have a cardiac arrest to wait to the last minute to do anything...
I bought our daughter's graduation gift in January online and had to send it back four times to get it right.  I order clothes 6 months ahead of time in case I need to send them back twice if necessary I dislike to shop in stores. Not being a procrastinator serves me well!

So, Sweetheart had dimensions size font he wanted and I went online called around to find someone that engraved for 1/4 the cost of "Things Remembered."  Love the engraved everything there but too expensive for engraving!  You get a plate for $10 and it costs $50 to put the letters on it.  So we found a local merchant that would do it.  They need 7-10 days lead time they are busy.  I ask, "Please?" They say "Yes."

I give them original order but as time goes on and more info is gathered by Sweetheart…he is building his "thing" the shape and size of the plate changes 4 times!  Oh no!  I call the receptionist 4 times to change order to accommodate his wish and each time she tells me they want a paper trail, put changes in an email...so I do and press SEND.

An hour later the receptionist calls me and says "Where is the email?"  She gives me another email, I press SEND.  Now I am feeling kind of embarrassed for calling her back so many times and sending email after email after email after email with change after change after change after change after change, I DON"T DO THINGS THIS WAY!  I make sure and get it right the first time as much as possible.  She calls back and says “We have not received it yet. Is there a problem with your computer?”

So now Sweetheart comes out with a size he just made and says I like this one better, let's go with another size plate...What?  I call her back again totally embarrassed now for such fickleness and think these folks will not want to help us after this, after all they were doing us a favor to make the dang plate to begin with...

Turns out, the company had received none of my 5 emails, they were all stuck in my outbox.  So Sweetheart calmly send the final details from his computer and all is well.  He says, “Why would 5 email changes bother her? It would not bother me.”

Grrrr…and that is the difference between my Sweetheart and me. If the temperaments were the other way around, we might have been divorced years ago but as it seems…The Universe has his back too! J

Wednesday, May 17, 2017

"Addictions Mask Anger, If Only Life Were That Simple"

Quite by accident I have discovered something that may be so simple that others know it.  I have noticed that when I am angry about a subject, I tend to relive it again and again in my mind and get angrier and angrier.  If I look for solutions and speak with others about these solutions but the people that have the power to make positive change have no interest in doing it, I get stuck in my anger with no way out. Or is there?

When anger permeates my mind, or every time I forget the situation and it is brought to my attention again I get angry again... it is time for a change.  Our bodies are not built to endure stress and anger over long periods of time.  Anger is an alarm going off inside to let you know "I am in the wrong relationship, job, business, etc. Until change is possible, get your anger under control by doing something fun, hiking, biking, reading, studying peaceful rituals, (meditation is one) visiting friends, without addictions.  Addictions mask anger, these do not rid your mind of it.

Make plans to leave this angry situation.  Get out as soon as possible.

Stoics from long ago such as Marcus Aurelius taught, "Realizing what you can control and what you cannot control is liberation of the mind."

What is not taught is "How" to get out.  That is completely up to you to decide. You have a brain, you can figure it out. We can't depend on everyone else for the answers to our life.  Think it through, talk to those you trust and move on. Look for exits or you will not find one.

Byron Katie teaches www.thework.com how to take responsibility for your life, this includes your anger.  Once you do the work the answers and direction you seek becomes clearer but it will take more bravery than ever to face the truth.  Maybe you are the problem.  This must be first be determined honestly before anything will change in the situation or the next.

If you think you are not the problem, do a mental checkup.  If the same problem arises again and again in the next relationship, job, etc.  YOU ARE THE PROBLEM. Get help, change for the better.
Study A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle to get a fresh perspective on life and then study daily to keep your thoughts in line with peace.

Yes I suggest Byron Katie and Eckhart Tolle the most to everyone. Why?  They are the only ones I have found so far that truly are non-denominational.  We need unity and that will not come in division of basic religious beliefs.  Religious differences are causing hatred and war.  We have to get past this if we are to survive as humans on this planet.

The Enemy That Will Not Be Tamed, Is Our Mind

The USS Indianapolis was a ship that went down in the Philippines in WWII 1945.  The circumstances surrounding it were unusual.  Information that could have helped Captain McVay make decisions to possibly save the lives of his men was not given to him so the majority died. He was court martialed mostly because the American people wanted a "head on a silver platter," someone to blame for the deaths of their husbands, brothers, and sons, and the Navy would deliver someone as long as the men at the top did not get blamed for not providing much needed vital info to the Captain. Such is the way of this government in their treatment of military men.  It happens.

As a result of the court martial,  the Captain was retired from his chosen military life and the families of the deceased sent him hateful letters and gave him life threatening phone calls for the remainder of his life. When his wife died, he could not stand anymore so he committed suicide in 1968, he was 70 y o.  He lamented the loss of those men for the rest of his life, he loved his crew.

Fast forward a 12 y o boy, Hunter Scott, doing a class project in 1996. He researched the sinking of the USS Indianapolis and Captain McVay. It was this research that opened the case and eventually exonerated Captain McVay of all wrong doing but it was 2001, 52 years too late, the good Captain committed suicide (1968) because of this dishonor to him.  He suffered in silence.

Men do suffer in silence when the law has spoken.  This is one thing to know about good military men. They make solid decisions that they believe are right based on training and critical thinking skills and it takes much "talk" to get to the truth of every complicated situation that goes off course. But how else can we operate in a world of differing opinions if not some foundation of truth?  We all go on trial when some our actions are called into question.

If we humans die out it will be because we killed off our own species, the universe is a friendly place. It is humans who are divisive and superficial.  What thoughts do we have that keep us angry? What thoughts do we have that keep us separated one from another? Are these differences really worth fighting over and killing off the human race? If we are to save our existence on the planet we must find ways to unite ourselves, forget religious teachings that cause war, forget skin colors, facial differences, there is no such thing as "chosen people" or blue blood, there is just us.

There is a quote given by Captain McVay in the beginning of the movie USS Indianapolis about the Japanese warriors that gives me pause to think about our survival as humans on this planet.

Captain McVay:

"There will always be war until we kill off our own species. The difference between us and them is we want to do our duty and go home. The man that flew his kamikaze plane into the bow of our ship knew he wasn't going home, he was on a suicide mission using his body as ammunition.  God help all of us when we face an enemy like that."

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Where You Find Your Happiness, There You Should Live

Happiness is so hard for everyone to understand and I must admit I use to wonder too.  Again there is no book on "My Exact Happiness."  No one can know this but me.  No book, no philosopher, no minister, no culture, no government, no job, can teach ME what is my happiness. So I am going to share what I think is the "How" to find "Your Happiness."  Like all truth it is simple.

What makes you happy to do?

Where makes you happy to live?

Who makes you happiest to be around?

What makes you happy to accomplish?

How can you find a way to get paid while doing something you are proud and happiest doing?

Happiness is never found in momentary superficial acts or things.  Sex, food, bodily functions, material things, surgeries to improve an already "perfect body," are wants that when temporarily satiated, make you temporarily, momentarily relieved or satisfied, these do not make you happy.

Happy is an internal flame that never goes out.  It is found in appreciating simple everyday tasks. Happiness is found in appreciating the simple things someone does to show they love you on a continual basis.  So think...

Example: Are you happiest playing a guitar? Then play it, play with a band if you want to share that happiness with others.

Are you happy living away from home or even abroad?  Looking at mountains, meadows, oceans, lakes, or city? Then live there, away from home, live abroad if that makes you happy to share your life with others there while living there, be happy.

What friends and family make you feel loved, appreciated, and accepted for who you are without reservation?  Then spend your time there, being with those who love you the way you want to be loved and you can share your smile and laughter with. Be happy.

If you love to build something, become a mechanic, a mason, etc. and find a job in that field so you can feel successful getting paid for what you enjoy to do. Share your knowledge and skills with others who appreciate and work with you.  Be happy.

If in the process you find you leave old friends or your family to live your happiness then so be it. If your family and friends truly love you, then you will be able to go live your happiness with others knowing your happiness is all we all want for one another.

Today I thought how happy I was to have a washer and dryer in my house to clean my clothes, I remember a time when I had to go to the laundromat.  Then I hung my towels out on a line to dry stiff and scratchy, I love to dry off with a stiff and scratchy towel, this makes me happy. I remember a time I had no house or clothesline.  I thought about how I love to decorate a home and do art and how I shared this talent with friends.  How much fun it is to be alone and read or hike or kayak, and how it makes me happy to come home when I want to, or to know my Sweetheart is only a phone call away.  

I am so happy to have my dear, dear, sister-in-laws, who are the kindest and best friends to my brothers and mother. I was so happy raising our children, trying to give them high morals, a kind heart, a knowing their life is to be of service to others not just themselves.  Most of all we tried to give them freedom to live life on their terms with our full support.  No guilt, no ties, just happiness.

Wherever you find your happiness, there you should live, be happy.

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Mother's Day Happy When Kids Are Happy

This Mother's Day was even happier for me because our children are doing well and they are happy. When a mother hears that her children are in a loving relationship with another that truly sees their worth and loves them, there can be nothing better.

I like many Moms around the world I'm sure, begin praying for the mate of each child from the moment they are born.  I sent a prayer to heaven to protect and love these people I had never met. I sent a prayer to bring this person into their life at just the right time and so it is.

Maybe this is asking too much of the universe but I asked that the person would love them as much if not more (if this is possible) than me.  A much older wiser woman once told me years ago, "This is a two person world. Look around everything is built for two."

This world is a wonderful place and it is multiplied in wonder when shared by two lovers.  Life is easier I think when shared by someone you love and someone who truly loves you.

Thankful for our children and their love for us, grateful for those that love our children.

Saturday, May 13, 2017

Why Love American and British Soldiers

A soldier is a product of his country's beliefs.  If the American soldier is fighting a war it is not because he "declared war" it because the Congress with President input/Prime Minister did.  An American and British soldier is trained to fight and kill if necessary to protect the innocent.

A soldier from a violent leader will kill for no reason except to remain in control of the people, the position, the money, the power of respect he receives through terrifying those too weak to speak or stand for themselves.

An American/British soldier is not paid enough money to live independent of government food and lodging.  She/He serves because he/she believes in maintaining freedom and if necessary to stop the torture/genocide of innocents.  Although she/he fights for others to be free...she/he is not free. She/He is told where to go and when.  A soldier is not allowed vacation whenever they want one. They do not go home on religious holidays or birthdays, death in a family may not be convenient for the mission and therefore is also not allowed.

If anyone looks at a soldier from England or America, you are looking at someone that gives to protect because of their heart. These people are not violent by nature.  If while in training to be a soldier it is discovered they are, they are relieved of service.  This is not to say that soldiers are afraid to kill if necessary to perform the duty to protect the innocent, this is to know that by culture and country they come from a peaceful beginning, violence is not the first route to take in a disagreement. Peace is the ultimate goal, not killing one another. If Congress/Prime Minister cannot get a compromise or peaceful resolution they call in the American/British soldiers to secure and kill violent soldiers if necessary, the last resort. War is no joke.

Our soldiers that come back home traumatized by what they witnessed in war know this best.  To be in a war where your friends die before your eyes, lose body parts, has to have an effect on a peaceful person.  Some returning soldiers suffer so much they turn to alcohol, drugs, or suicide to deal with the atrocities they have witnessed. Killing another human being is not easy for a peaceful person.  It is not a video game, it is heartbreaking to an American or British soldier that comes from such a country full of opportunities, a country of peaceful living with plenty of resources for anyone, to have to go to a violent culture and see how men, women, and children are not valued and treated abominably/severely abused in every way.  This is why soldiers don't talk about what they see across the pond when they return. They want to forget it, it hurts.

My son came home from frontline battle and told me three things, 1) whatever you think in USA is bad, the worst of the worst, it is not as bad as what I saw in those countries, (this includes the good countries)  2) The newspapers and celebrities have no idea what is happening there and report their unskilled observations of the situations they view for a microsecond and think they know truth, they don't (stick to entertaining, you don't know war)   3) We are not supposed to be killing one another, there has to be another way.

Next week he is going to another funeral of another Marine friend. He has buried most of the battalion he was in on that shore or this one. He is too young to have to witness so much death of his closest buddies while in active duty and he is still going to funerals after the war. These good soldiers gave their life for me. Yes I take it personally when an American/British soldier dies fighting a war our Congress declared. You may not like war but the truth is, it is here, now and until more government leaders, politicians, prime ministers, every country leader in the world wakes up to a collective consciousness there will be more war. The answer is not standing by, putting a gun down and letting them kill innocents till there are no more innocents to kill. The answer of course is peaceful negotiations, but if a violent country or culture will not listen or stop, they must be stopped by the weapons they chose to use on the innocents.

When will civilians learn that freedom is not free?

This is the home of the free, because of the brave soldiers who secure it for us.  RIP dear soldier.


Friday, May 12, 2017

Single Men Listen UP for Sage Advice!

The problem "Good Men" have is they are unaware of how bad behaving women can be divisive to isolate you out of the herd for their kill.  Good men see a pretty woman and think "If she is single and over 18 y o I will ask her out."  So he does and at first the relationship looks good, she may be having sex with him from the first date to invite him into her web of lies and insecurity. She will use her body to pull him deeper into her web of controlling him and telling him what to do 24/7.

But how does a good man know?  If the man is lucky enough to have a female relative such as a sister, mother, sister-in-law, Grandmother, who has a healthy love for him, she will warn him, "This woman is not for you."  If he is not too weak in character to receive advice from a caring woman in his family, he will have further conversations with this relative to open his eyes to this unhealthy relationship. If he is not blinded by the sex and his poor self-image/ego that believes this lying admiration this bad behaving woman seems to have for him, he will break it off, and ultimately save himself a lifetime of heartache.  If he does not heed this sage advice he will experience financial pain and emotional pain that can only be soothed by another "roll in the hay with this vapid shell of a woman."

Men are taught nothing about how to spot a good woman. Unless you saw a good woman and a good man in your parents' relationship, you are at a loss. With so much divorce this last generation, no wonder the men and women are not sure of what they are getting into. So you must seek out good boundaries and stick to these. You have to get new information in to change outcomes. You have to actively seek knowledge about a good relationship. Read books, go to seminars on healthy relationships, and watch YouTube videos of teachers that teach good tips on relationships.  John Gray, Anthony Robbins, Wayne Dyer, teach what they learned the hard way, from failed relationships.(on YouTube) Be the good person you want to attract in this world and beware of the following...

When a woman has nothing to offer a man but her body, she is angry.  She is out to get whatever she can from the world and any man for as long as it lasts.  If this man wakes up and gets free of her, the man will be sucked for every material thing he owns and every penny he has, she may even stalk him later when he has another woman in his life.   One can only hope he gets free before he marries her. If not once married, the psychic vampire games will begin.

So guys I offer you this with no ulterior motives than to warn a "Good Guy" about these predators.

1. Beware of a (bad behaving) single woman who cannot pay her own bills.  She does not have a good paying job to afford any life much less one she dreams about. She may not have a place to live.  At first she needs rescuing, and men by nature love to rescue a damsel in distress.  She may have a child or two from different failed relationships in tow.  She is looking for a "house and a father" for her children, (Eddie Murphy mentions this in one of his comedy routines, he learned this early on) any man will do but she prefers one with steady income, a home, and money. In the beginning when her financial situation is relieved and she has a roof over her head (and her children) she can't thank the man enough, so she has sex with him a lot to thank him.  He may think, "Praise and sex? What more can a guy want?"

And the opposite financial situation, she has money from a divorce, inheritance, a job/business she owns, she may have kids from another relationship or not, but she is still looking for a "valet man." A man that will serve her every whim and fancy. Maybe a man that will "babysit" her kids so she can go to work or do something else with her friends. A man that will be her escort in the public. A man that she can parade around and thumb her nose up at... her ex-husband/boyfriend, girlfriends or family members that did not approve of her. Look I have a new man and he is better than the last one.

1. When you, the man, say to this woman who is separating you from your family, that you want to see them and she says, "I'm your family now.  My kids are your kids, not your first wife.  You will not be visiting them on the holidays or any day, not even their birthdays."

2. When your parents or siblings want to see their son or brother (or if he has kids from another relationship he wants to see) and she insists, "You have only this vacation week off, you will spend it with me in Greece. My kids, my family is all that is important now."

3. When there is an argument or disagreement and things are not going in her favor, she threatens to leave and never come back, if you don't let her have her way. This woman does not compromise in anything for a happy home, "your happiness" does not matter at all.  Everything is her way or no way out that leaves you to feel like you are not equal in the relationship, because you are not!  This is a bad relationship.  You cave in and buy her another piece of jewelry, take her on another vacation, buy her more things, which she quickly runs to show all her dysfunctional friends and family, 'Look what I have." You the man, thinks, "I guess this is love?"  You are in a chaotic world and if you don't get out of this relationship your life will continue in her misery. She wants more money and you have to provide it.  "You become nothing to her but a sperm bank and wallet."

4.  You have a woman that is obsessed with her looks. She has to have a selfie taken of her beautiful self every day and post it on a social media.  She has to have the latest fashions. She has to have her makeup exactly right every moment of every day because she thinks everyone is looking at her beauty.  She blows a gasket when a nail breaks, this is cause to go to the emergency room.  She wants plastic surgery to fix this or that, she has to look good for her public.  She would rather spend money on her next surgery, Prada handbag, than spend time with you soaking in a sunset and talking.  She likes to spend, spend, spend money.  Yours and hers does not matter. She gets a high from another dollar spent on her. No time for focusing on kids, hers or yours, it's all about her and you.  She needs an escort.  No one wants to go places alone.  You are trapped. You did it to yourself.  

There are so many scenarios I have heard and seen in my life from men that it would be taxing to tell them all.  But I do believe when the relationship is solid and good for you both you two can weather any storm, you can love each other forever.  You can stay married a lifetime, you can be simply happy, but there are a lot of conversations between the two of you to come to compromises that are acceptable to you both. In a committed relationship there will be compromises continually until you hit "cruise control."  There will still be disagreements and challenges to overcome but you two really love one another and are kind to one another. You respect each other as equals in the world. You would not think of having sex with someone else, you love each other.

So single men, dating, this is a zero tolerance thermometer for you.  Stay away from controlling, spoiled, angry, money worshipping, selfish, women who are dazzled by a Disney princess role they want to play, these psychic vampires will suck your positivity and kindness dry till you are starving for a way out and can't find the door. This will not end nice. 

That's right, only you can end it and it will be hurtful, you will walk through fire to get out and save yourself.  After all you entered in to this web of deceit without heeding the warning signs.  You had your ego fed and your eyes closed. You were unaware. Learn and move on, wait for the Sweetheart you deserve. She is out there but you have to wait for her.  You can't hurry true love, it finds you in time. We all deserve to be truly loved by a kind person.

Thursday, May 11, 2017

Single Ladies Listen Up for Sage Advice!

Growing up in a home full of true "Southern Gentlemen" (BTW~ Clark Gable i.e. Rhett Butler, from the movie "Gone With the Wind" is NOT a true southern gentlemen) gave me the wrong idea of what I could say and do with men in the general public. My lack of sisters or a Mother figure that had any knowledge of the outside world at all to warn me, left me with a healthy respect and understanding of "good men" but no defenses of how to spot a bad behaving, confused man or unforeseen bad circumstances that put me in compromising positions.  But I learned fast.  I have made every mistake in the book trusting all men and things did not always end in my favor, so I will plainly speak to help young ladies unaware of same.

BTW ~ No, I do not compromise.  Zero compromise in the dating stage, zero.  Once married you set your own boundaries and that is your choice, but to young dating age ladies I offer this.

When a boy or man tries through words, moves, or touch to entice you to be with him and you push his hand away, ask him to stop, say, "You are a nice guy but I'm not interested."  A good guy will apologize and respect your words, your boundaries, slow down and wait for the relationship to develop (or not) over time, bad behaving, confused, men will say one of three things:

1. "You took what I said/did the wrong way."

2. "I was just kidding."

3. "What are you a lesbian?"

4. "But I love you, if you loved me you would do this."

Notice none of these things is he taking responsibility for his bad behavior.  (It 's back to the 'Garden of Eden' again...it is the woman's fault) No it is not your fault for his bad actions... it is NOT.

Do not get closer to this man.  He more likely will not change in his lifetime or yours. Somewhere he has already learned women are a game to chase and an object for him to control even if he has to LIE.

I'm telling you I know I am older now but it would be harder to get me to date a man today than to get a gun permit in Albany County.   😂😁😆😇😊

You are wonderful and you, ladies deserve to be treated with equal respect to any man.  Dang right I know my boundaries, all women should have them.  Men are not deterred from trying...I still get asked out today.  Men are wonderful as long as they know their place in my life.

BTW~ Scarlet O'Hara has the strength of a "Southern Belle" but lacks the heart. She is NO true southern belle either.  That's why she and Rhett deserve one another in the film.

You know there are many interpretations of the 'Garden of Eden" story but I choose to think it is God's way to give women a clue about how bad behaving men lie, deceive,try to manipulate and control women and God did this as far back as the 'beginning.' Thanks God, I also like that God made it clear no man needs more than ONE woman.  No man can handle it.

Don't get me wrong "I LOVE men."  The "Good" ones and there are many more of these than the other.   Ladies you better learn how to spot the good ones or you will be in for a lifetime of heartache.

The Apology You NEVER Want To Get

When I was young and knew no better I use to hear these insincere apologies in personal relationship disagreements with male and female friends. These words turn the bad action of the other person on to you.  Now you are at fault for their mistake.  This is very tricky and you must be skilled in communication to spot it and make sure your accuser takes responsibility for the mistake and not you.
Here are the words...

"I'm sorry you took it that way."

This is not an apology!  This is an excuse for not caring for your feelings and a way for him/her to not take responsibility for hurting your feelings.  When you are close enough to even discuss such a hurt, at this point there should be open, honest, communication with a focus to make this a life long commitment.

If careless words and careless actions are not discussed openly and resolved honestly, over time, (could be years) one day there will be a separation and could end in divorce. Both will say "We just grew apart."

Tomorrow the four things I have heard from men my entire life when I call them on their motives and they do not want to admit to it.

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Who are the Five People you Spend the Most Time with? Do 3 cats count?

This is true, it must be everyone teaches this at some point in every single "live your dreams seminar."  From personal experience I know negative people, including those you love can bring you down, get you unexcited about your dreams. If there is enough "Douglas Downers" around work or play, you want to get away. And we should run, run fast and far to save our sanity.

So I think how happy my husband and I can be on a daily basis.  Eckhart Tolle and other Buddhists teach  if you want to learn to be present and joyful watch nature, learn from nature.  Did you know that the mammal that has the highest death rate on Mondays is humans?  That's because animals can't tell time... 😂😆😄Think about it.

If you look at my life you may say, what more could she be doing with it?  But then you must understand I hang out with a husband that thinks I'm perfect just the way I am, and my 3 in-house Buddhist teachers in fur coats, Daniel, Moke Moke, and Baby...that is as ZEN as it gets!

Al Capone (Scarface) said What?

We all use phrases like "Don't mistake my kindness for weakness" but would we still say it if we knew the originator was an alleged killer definitely a criminal, from last century?

You decide. I'm going to rethink my usage of it for sure now.

Monday, May 8, 2017

Together We are One ~Thich Nhat Hanh

A Buddhist that lives in France teaches internationally and of course I discovered him through his books.  He makes a great point by saying," My nationality cannot be determined by my geographical location of birth or my culture because I have elements of Chinese, Indian, Native American, and Vietnamese race within my bloodline."

Think of it. We humans have been here around 50,000 years and our genealogy has elements of many cultures in it.  We may not know how or when or where but a saliva swipe (23andme.com) reveals volumes about our ancestry. There is no one above or below anyone here on earth.

If you know this, "You are free."

Saturday, May 6, 2017

I read "The Secrets of my Life Caitlyn Jenner" because...

I like to hear from the person directly.  Bruce Jenner I knew from the Olympics and I remember his picture on our Wheaties cereal box.  Seriously never followed him after that.  Then 40 years later he is on the cover of Vanity Fair Magazine looking quite pretty for a 67 y o man!  What?  A female trapped inside a male Olympic champion body for 67 years?  Ok, if you say so, Caitlyn Jenner.

Not a fan of TV I was not aware of the reality show "she" had so when this news became public I searched to see an episode.  The one I caught was her at dinner with tranny friends and someone dared someone to kiss someone...I was bored and turned it off saying, "This is entertainment?"

Yet the recent divorce from the talentless family he was associated with made me feel bad for him or her.  Bad enough to be trapped in a male body but now he/she is surrounded by the most confused and misguided examples of females, this cannot be a good influence on "her" especially at this transitioning to female publicly for the first time. Brave to do Caitlyn, I applaud you.

The book is a good and easy read. I thought it hit the major questions we all have and like a man, was written direct and to the point, but like a woman expressed real emotions and concerns for women and how they are treated by ego maniac adult male athletes.  The honesty of Caitlyn was surprising to me. She admits her fears, her concerns, her thoughts of suicide, her gentle nature, her non-confrontation personality and her thoughts about being a man around a macho male attitudes in the celebrity athlete world where he met OJ.  

The ex-wife now may be upset about the perspective of Caitlyn's marriage to her but frankly any mother who encourages body dysmorphic surgery fixes to all her children to sell them is not a kind mother. 

This may sound hypocritical of me but I see if Caitlyn wants surgeries to become the opposite sex to become the person that from birth felt she was not...Ok.  But to take beautiful children who may not have the perfect measurements, no waist line or hip shape, or lip shape, and inject their bodies, faces, reshaped through surgeries, get breast implants, nose jobs, etc. just to get them sold to photographers for magazine covers is giving them and the youth that read these magazines the wrong message about life.  These dysmorphic store bought plastic injectable people look like animated characters. 

How about teaching the children how to own and run a business that actually helps the world and make the world a better place?  (Helping the planet, creative ideas to preserve nature, clean up trash, cure disease, teach how to have awareness, good self-images with depth and knowledge, show kindness to others, this adds value to the world.) Clothes, makeup, jewelry, showing skin... Good grief...Wake up ladies! Stop with the naked selfies ladies you are not helping to move the Suffragette movement ahead you are sending women back to the Stone Age...What might these children have chosen if they were given the tools to look within and find true purpose instead of insanely focusing on the outward appearances to get attention to make money.   

Being able to display naked pictures of yourself in America is not liberating any of the women around the world, it is just pissing off countries that don't allow women to show their faces and making these prehistoric violent idealists hate America even more.

The only peace you will ever know is through true self-acceptance and peace will come from within, there is no lasting peace in a material world. Enough, I will speak no more about this except to say, "Caitlyn I am happy for you and I hope your example saves lives for the tranny youths of the future."

Millennials Surviving on Their Own? Don't know...

Speaking with a friend that lived through the actual "Depression" (1929) she shared that when her father, a mechanic lost his job they lost everything.  They lived in a two family shack because her father made a deal with the owner, what the deal was she was not privy. Because they had no food or money her father would go down to the swampy area and dig up a root, bring it home.  Her mother would clean it, chop it up, and they would add water for a soup.

In that time skim milk was illegal to sell so it was thrown out.  Her father went to the dairy and asked for the skim milk for his family and the dairy gave it to him.  When he could get odd small jobs for little money her mother would buy cornmeal which was very cheap back then.  Her mother would mix the cornmeal with the skim milk and serve the cornmeal mush for dinner.  The leftover would be fried in a skillet and served for breakfast the next day. She loved the cornmeal mush and they survived on this for a long time.

She said, "Can you imagine this generation that whines over opinions that do not agree with theirs and needing safe spaces?  These kids today could not survive on their own, they have no idea what a "down on your luck" life truly looks like.  Back then my family hated FDR, but looking back he did great things to get this country back up for the average working man.  Yeah he was alright."

The poorest in this country today lives very well in this country. Better than most.

Today there are all kinds of government programs to help anyone that goes for help.  Trouble has become for this generation each is getting dependent on the government to take care of everything. Matter of fact they are demanding it.

Friday, May 5, 2017

Environmentalists Want Your Action, What Do WE Want?

Ben Franklin had a mentor who was a vegetarian and so at a young age he decided to become one too.  When he set voyage on his first ocean trip the food ran out and the crew were catching and eating fish to survive.  He refused at first but when he became very hungry he watched the opened belly of a large fish and inside were several little fishes.  BF thought well if nature survives by eating its own kind I guess I can eat animals too. Circumstances do influence actions.  

Following the blog of a few environmentalists and animal lovers, I enjoy the products they sell...I see these have no human babies. For whatever reason they can't have them or they choose not to... all of them have animals they love like family.  Understandable.  So if they have a big platform, a brand, or a following, they report on another example of humans destroying the planet and how much this bothers them and tell is to write our senators and congressmen to stop this or that.

In the comments I read other supporters saying, "Right on" or "I needed to hear this to remind me to take action” or "the planet can survive without us, but we cannot survive without the planet." True. Still others bring up the children are more important because it is they who will make the choices to save the planet and we need to focus on education and laws protecting them.

I, being a mother of human babies, agree I am concerned more for the protection of the innocence of life and am interested in laws that harshly punish drunk drivers, pedophiles, child sex trade, child porn, and the silencing of women's voices.  

Then someone wrote "people need to use birth control more the planet is overpopulating and causing more trash than the planet can dispose of."  Another rebuttal "it is not the population that is the problem but "how" they live," claiming if everyone lived green and clean all would be well.  All good points but trying to take in all of this is confusing to anyone.

Let's keep it simple.  You and I decided what WE want to focus on not another celebrity or environmentalist or animal rights person or organization. (And certainly not the comment section of any blog) You and I look at what is available to donate to if WE want to donate time or money.  How about WE are aware of many things but we cannot get overwhelmed with the responsibility of the world.  You and I can decide to recycle at our house. You and I can decided to pick up garbage off the street.  You and I can decide what animal or area on the planet WE choose to focus on and what WE can or will do without completely shedding tears over every commercial on TV.  It is possible to take positive actions without stressing over it or crying. 

Here's how simple it can be...you like a park, you choose to walk in it and pick up trash on your walk to dispose of properly at the end of your walk. You see a tiger and want to give to any organization you believe will protect it.  Go online, there are other sanctuaries for animals around the world beside the World Wildlife Organization, and need your money more I might add. The point is you and I have a brain and two hands.   WE do not need another commercial or celebrity that gets you teary eyed over the blog to decide what is important to us.  

Everyone in the civilized technology world is aware of the problems and writing your politicians may make you feel better but we can take positive actions as WE see fit on a personal level.  Stressing about the world will be an unending worry too big to carry in one lifetime. Better look for ways now that people are helping and making the environment healthier. Here are two found recently that make me encouraged the world is becoming a better place. There are many more, don't despair environmentalists, first you know there is a problem, WE do, and next you figure a way to fix it, WE are.

19 Year old Develops a Machine to Clean the Ocean of Plastic

Meet the Companies trying to Break our Plastic addiction

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Can you give me a moment? She just died.

Death is a subject many steer clear of at all cost for the majority of life until it actually is on your doorstep.  Yet many say it is this fear of death that makes us fearful.  Death is so far away when you are young and you really have no conception of it unless you suffer a serious childhood disease that makes you aware of it.

I spoke with an old friend today who woke up three days ago and called the doctor and said, "I think I'm dying and I don't care but my kids want me to see a doctor."

She said, "You never heard a receptionist move so fast to get me in the next day."  Maybe the fact she is 95 y o has something to do with it.  She called me and told me she had an appointment tomorrow but she felt like having a fish sandwich from McDonald's so she was going to ride up and get one.  I said, "If it is not intruding, please call me after your appointment tomorrow and let me know how you are doing."

Next day she doesn't call.  Next day I call her.  Now this day I am also waiting to hear about another 95 y o lady, a closer family member, who is actually in the hospital with her family on a death watch.
I call my friend and she tells me they did three tests and the doctor could not find anything.  I asked her how her fish sandwich was and she tells me she bought two and brought them home and ate them both.  This is good, I knew from speaking with her last week she had not been eating lately.  She does not like to cook and never learned even though she had 6 children.  How she managed that I don't know.

She eats at Mickey D's a lot, she likes the food.  I do not like fast food and you can count on two hands how many times I have eaten there in my life, but I never imagined how many retired widows and widowers must eat there regularly until her conversation.

My friend tells me she went to Columbia County to her doctor and stopped by the cemetery to visit her 16 y o grandson grave.  I asked how he died and she said bone cancer and that he suffered for years and when he died she was glad he was not in pain anymore.  She recalls burying his kitten that died prematurely when he was a little guy.  She was at his bedside when he died and his last words were, "I love you Grandma."  She said he died long, long, ago but she visits his grave every year to follow him as far as she can.  She knows he is not there but she talks to his grave anyway, it makes her feel better.

Later a text reveals the family member, a Grandmother died this morning.  People are saying, "She lived a long life, she was 95 y o." as if that makes it ok for us and I suppose it is ok, but can we just for a few days, say nothing as we grieve and make peace with the death?  Can you give me some space, a little time, some silence, just be present while the healing begins?  Maybe we will visit the grave to follow her as far as we can and talk to her even though we know she is not there. Maybe it will make us feel better.

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Law of Attraction? There's no normal life, there's just life...

To go through life without a plan seems ludicrous.  And we all seem to know this, as we take directions from our parents, society, religious leaders, everyone but what do we want to do?  At first, we don't know.  We know we need food, shelter, so if we leave the security of our parents’ home that means we need money.  Maybe the thought of being on our own is so overwhelming we go to college, get married, go in the military, the seminary, join the Peace Corps, etc.  Whatever we choose, we become…

And we live.  Good things happen, bad things happen, and we learn to navigate the unexpected.  What we are not taught is that good things happen and bad things happen to everyone. To say, “Why me?” is for the universe to answer, “Why not you?”   Where did we learn that life is to be full of perfection with no challenges? 

There are teachers proclaiming (The Secret) that our life is determined by the Law Of Attraction. The law that says we attract everything is outrageous to me.  I know for sure that bad things do happen to extremely positive upbeat people.  Yet the thought that every bad thing happened because I attracted it is insane to me. To be guilt ridden over things out of your control can bring illness if you dwell on it. 

I knew a good man, he had a beautiful family, he had a long successful marriage and his children loved their parents. His daughter newly married just announced to her family she was pregnant with their first grandchild, the family was ecstatic.  She was driving home from the grocery store the next week and a drunk driver drove into her car and killed her.

Did she attract this?  I should say not…this death almost killed her father in grief. If he thought she attracted this, he would surely have gone insane. He did survive, he questioned “Why God why?” eventually he moved on but he almost lost his faith in the process.  He was a Doctor of Theology and Director of a Christian school.  It is stories like these of which I have heard a few that make me question this LOA that everyone is so keen on teaching for manifestation.  What do you believe about the LOA? I’m open to listen. 

I want to believe in it but I refuse to live in guilt if something bad happens.  Life may be outer chaos but I will find inner peace. My mind, my thoughts is all I have control over.
It is much more comforting to believe, there is no normal life, there’s just life.