Saturday, May 6, 2017

I read "The Secrets of my Life Caitlyn Jenner" because...

I like to hear from the person directly.  Bruce Jenner I knew from the Olympics and I remember his picture on our Wheaties cereal box.  Seriously never followed him after that.  Then 40 years later he is on the cover of Vanity Fair Magazine looking quite pretty for a 67 y o man!  What?  A female trapped inside a male Olympic champion body for 67 years?  Ok, if you say so, Caitlyn Jenner.

Not a fan of TV I was not aware of the reality show "she" had so when this news became public I searched to see an episode.  The one I caught was her at dinner with tranny friends and someone dared someone to kiss someone...I was bored and turned it off saying, "This is entertainment?"

Yet the recent divorce from the talentless family he was associated with made me feel bad for him or her.  Bad enough to be trapped in a male body but now he/she is surrounded by the most confused and misguided examples of females, this cannot be a good influence on "her" especially at this transitioning to female publicly for the first time. Brave to do Caitlyn, I applaud you.

The book is a good and easy read. I thought it hit the major questions we all have and like a man, was written direct and to the point, but like a woman expressed real emotions and concerns for women and how they are treated by ego maniac adult male athletes.  The honesty of Caitlyn was surprising to me. She admits her fears, her concerns, her thoughts of suicide, her gentle nature, her non-confrontation personality and her thoughts about being a man around a macho male attitudes in the celebrity athlete world where he met OJ.  

The ex-wife now may be upset about the perspective of Caitlyn's marriage to her but frankly any mother who encourages body dysmorphic surgery fixes to all her children to sell them is not a kind mother. 

This may sound hypocritical of me but I see if Caitlyn wants surgeries to become the opposite sex to become the person that from birth felt she was not...Ok.  But to take beautiful children who may not have the perfect measurements, no waist line or hip shape, or lip shape, and inject their bodies, faces, reshaped through surgeries, get breast implants, nose jobs, etc. just to get them sold to photographers for magazine covers is giving them and the youth that read these magazines the wrong message about life.  These dysmorphic store bought plastic injectable people look like animated characters. 

How about teaching the children how to own and run a business that actually helps the world and make the world a better place?  (Helping the planet, creative ideas to preserve nature, clean up trash, cure disease, teach how to have awareness, good self-images with depth and knowledge, show kindness to others, this adds value to the world.) Clothes, makeup, jewelry, showing skin... Good grief...Wake up ladies! Stop with the naked selfies ladies you are not helping to move the Suffragette movement ahead you are sending women back to the Stone Age...What might these children have chosen if they were given the tools to look within and find true purpose instead of insanely focusing on the outward appearances to get attention to make money.   

Being able to display naked pictures of yourself in America is not liberating any of the women around the world, it is just pissing off countries that don't allow women to show their faces and making these prehistoric violent idealists hate America even more.

The only peace you will ever know is through true self-acceptance and peace will come from within, there is no lasting peace in a material world. Enough, I will speak no more about this except to say, "Caitlyn I am happy for you and I hope your example saves lives for the tranny youths of the future."

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