Thursday, May 11, 2017

Single Ladies Listen Up for Sage Advice!

Growing up in a home full of true "Southern Gentlemen" (BTW~ Clark Gable i.e. Rhett Butler, from the movie "Gone With the Wind" is NOT a true southern gentlemen) gave me the wrong idea of what I could say and do with men in the general public. My lack of sisters or a Mother figure that had any knowledge of the outside world at all to warn me, left me with a healthy respect and understanding of "good men" but no defenses of how to spot a bad behaving, confused man or unforeseen bad circumstances that put me in compromising positions.  But I learned fast.  I have made every mistake in the book trusting all men and things did not always end in my favor, so I will plainly speak to help young ladies unaware of same.

BTW ~ No, I do not compromise.  Zero compromise in the dating stage, zero.  Once married you set your own boundaries and that is your choice, but to young dating age ladies I offer this.

When a boy or man tries through words, moves, or touch to entice you to be with him and you push his hand away, ask him to stop, say, "You are a nice guy but I'm not interested."  A good guy will apologize and respect your words, your boundaries, slow down and wait for the relationship to develop (or not) over time, bad behaving, confused, men will say one of three things:

1. "You took what I said/did the wrong way."

2. "I was just kidding."

3. "What are you a lesbian?"

4. "But I love you, if you loved me you would do this."

Notice none of these things is he taking responsibility for his bad behavior.  (It 's back to the 'Garden of Eden' is the woman's fault) No it is not your fault for his bad actions... it is NOT.

Do not get closer to this man.  He more likely will not change in his lifetime or yours. Somewhere he has already learned women are a game to chase and an object for him to control even if he has to LIE.

I'm telling you I know I am older now but it would be harder to get me to date a man today than to get a gun permit in Albany County.   😂😁😆😇😊

You are wonderful and you, ladies deserve to be treated with equal respect to any man.  Dang right I know my boundaries, all women should have them.  Men are not deterred from trying...I still get asked out today.  Men are wonderful as long as they know their place in my life.

BTW~ Scarlet O'Hara has the strength of a "Southern Belle" but lacks the heart. She is NO true southern belle either.  That's why she and Rhett deserve one another in the film.

You know there are many interpretations of the 'Garden of Eden" story but I choose to think it is God's way to give women a clue about how bad behaving men lie, deceive,try to manipulate and control women and God did this as far back as the 'beginning.' Thanks God, I also like that God made it clear no man needs more than ONE woman.  No man can handle it.

Don't get me wrong "I LOVE men."  The "Good" ones and there are many more of these than the other.   Ladies you better learn how to spot the good ones or you will be in for a lifetime of heartache.

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