Wednesday, May 17, 2017

"Addictions Mask Anger, If Only Life Were That Simple"

Quite by accident I have discovered something that may be so simple that others know it.  I have noticed that when I am angry about a subject, I tend to relive it again and again in my mind and get angrier and angrier.  If I look for solutions and speak with others about these solutions but the people that have the power to make positive change have no interest in doing it, I get stuck in my anger with no way out. Or is there?

When anger permeates my mind, or every time I forget the situation and it is brought to my attention again I get angry again... it is time for a change.  Our bodies are not built to endure stress and anger over long periods of time.  Anger is an alarm going off inside to let you know "I am in the wrong relationship, job, business, etc. Until change is possible, get your anger under control by doing something fun, hiking, biking, reading, studying peaceful rituals, (meditation is one) visiting friends, without addictions.  Addictions mask anger, these do not rid your mind of it.

Make plans to leave this angry situation.  Get out as soon as possible.

Stoics from long ago such as Marcus Aurelius taught, "Realizing what you can control and what you cannot control is liberation of the mind."

What is not taught is "How" to get out.  That is completely up to you to decide. You have a brain, you can figure it out. We can't depend on everyone else for the answers to our life.  Think it through, talk to those you trust and move on. Look for exits or you will not find one.

Byron Katie teaches how to take responsibility for your life, this includes your anger.  Once you do the work the answers and direction you seek becomes clearer but it will take more bravery than ever to face the truth.  Maybe you are the problem.  This must be first be determined honestly before anything will change in the situation or the next.

If you think you are not the problem, do a mental checkup.  If the same problem arises again and again in the next relationship, job, etc.  YOU ARE THE PROBLEM. Get help, change for the better.
Study A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle to get a fresh perspective on life and then study daily to keep your thoughts in line with peace.

Yes I suggest Byron Katie and Eckhart Tolle the most to everyone. Why?  They are the only ones I have found so far that truly are non-denominational.  We need unity and that will not come in division of basic religious beliefs.  Religious differences are causing hatred and war.  We have to get past this if we are to survive as humans on this planet.

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