Saturday, May 6, 2017

Millennials Surviving on Their Own? Don't know...

Speaking with a friend that lived through the actual "Depression" (1929) she shared that when her father, a mechanic lost his job they lost everything.  They lived in a two family shack because her father made a deal with the owner, what the deal was she was not privy. Because they had no food or money her father would go down to the swampy area and dig up a root, bring it home.  Her mother would clean it, chop it up, and they would add water for a soup.

In that time skim milk was illegal to sell so it was thrown out.  Her father went to the dairy and asked for the skim milk for his family and the dairy gave it to him.  When he could get odd small jobs for little money her mother would buy cornmeal which was very cheap back then.  Her mother would mix the cornmeal with the skim milk and serve the cornmeal mush for dinner.  The leftover would be fried in a skillet and served for breakfast the next day. She loved the cornmeal mush and they survived on this for a long time.

She said, "Can you imagine this generation that whines over opinions that do not agree with theirs and needing safe spaces?  These kids today could not survive on their own, they have no idea what a "down on your luck" life truly looks like.  Back then my family hated FDR, but looking back he did great things to get this country back up for the average working man.  Yeah he was alright."

The poorest in this country today lives very well in this country. Better than most.

Today there are all kinds of government programs to help anyone that goes for help.  Trouble has become for this generation each is getting dependent on the government to take care of everything. Matter of fact they are demanding it.

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