Saturday, May 13, 2017

Why Love American and British Soldiers

A soldier is a product of his country's beliefs.  If the American soldier is fighting a war it is not because he "declared war" it because the Congress with President input/Prime Minister did.  An American and British soldier is trained to fight and kill if necessary to protect the innocent.

A soldier from a violent leader will kill for no reason except to remain in control of the people, the position, the money, the power of respect he receives through terrifying those too weak to speak or stand for themselves.

An American/British soldier is not paid enough money to live independent of government food and lodging.  She/He serves because he/she believes in maintaining freedom and if necessary to stop the torture/genocide of innocents.  Although she/he fights for others to be free...she/he is not free. She/He is told where to go and when.  A soldier is not allowed vacation whenever they want one. They do not go home on religious holidays or birthdays, death in a family may not be convenient for the mission and therefore is also not allowed.

If anyone looks at a soldier from England or America, you are looking at someone that gives to protect because of their heart. These people are not violent by nature.  If while in training to be a soldier it is discovered they are, they are relieved of service.  This is not to say that soldiers are afraid to kill if necessary to perform the duty to protect the innocent, this is to know that by culture and country they come from a peaceful beginning, violence is not the first route to take in a disagreement. Peace is the ultimate goal, not killing one another. If Congress/Prime Minister cannot get a compromise or peaceful resolution they call in the American/British soldiers to secure and kill violent soldiers if necessary, the last resort. War is no joke.

Our soldiers that come back home traumatized by what they witnessed in war know this best.  To be in a war where your friends die before your eyes, lose body parts, has to have an effect on a peaceful person.  Some returning soldiers suffer so much they turn to alcohol, drugs, or suicide to deal with the atrocities they have witnessed. Killing another human being is not easy for a peaceful person.  It is not a video game, it is heartbreaking to an American or British soldier that comes from such a country full of opportunities, a country of peaceful living with plenty of resources for anyone, to have to go to a violent culture and see how men, women, and children are not valued and treated abominably/severely abused in every way.  This is why soldiers don't talk about what they see across the pond when they return. They want to forget it, it hurts.

My son came home from frontline battle and told me three things, 1) whatever you think in USA is bad, the worst of the worst, it is not as bad as what I saw in those countries, (this includes the good countries)  2) The newspapers and celebrities have no idea what is happening there and report their unskilled observations of the situations they view for a microsecond and think they know truth, they don't (stick to entertaining, you don't know war)   3) We are not supposed to be killing one another, there has to be another way.

Next week he is going to another funeral of another Marine friend. He has buried most of the battalion he was in on that shore or this one. He is too young to have to witness so much death of his closest buddies while in active duty and he is still going to funerals after the war. These good soldiers gave their life for me. Yes I take it personally when an American/British soldier dies fighting a war our Congress declared. You may not like war but the truth is, it is here, now and until more government leaders, politicians, prime ministers, every country leader in the world wakes up to a collective consciousness there will be more war. The answer is not standing by, putting a gun down and letting them kill innocents till there are no more innocents to kill. The answer of course is peaceful negotiations, but if a violent country or culture will not listen or stop, they must be stopped by the weapons they chose to use on the innocents.

When will civilians learn that freedom is not free?

This is the home of the free, because of the brave soldiers who secure it for us.  RIP dear soldier.


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