Sunday, May 14, 2017

Mother's Day Happy When Kids Are Happy

This Mother's Day was even happier for me because our children are doing well and they are happy. When a mother hears that her children are in a loving relationship with another that truly sees their worth and loves them, there can be nothing better.

I like many Moms around the world I'm sure, begin praying for the mate of each child from the moment they are born.  I sent a prayer to heaven to protect and love these people I had never met. I sent a prayer to bring this person into their life at just the right time and so it is.

Maybe this is asking too much of the universe but I asked that the person would love them as much if not more (if this is possible) than me.  A much older wiser woman once told me years ago, "This is a two person world. Look around everything is built for two."

This world is a wonderful place and it is multiplied in wonder when shared by two lovers.  Life is easier I think when shared by someone you love and someone who truly loves you.

Thankful for our children and their love for us, grateful for those that love our children.

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