Sunday, May 28, 2017

Harry Potter Has a Charm for that...

We are watching the entire series of Harry Potter movies, one each weekend.  Of course my Sweetheart has never seen any of them but he is enjoying watching with me.  Last night we were watching Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban where Professor Lupin is teaching the Defense Against the Dark Arts to the students.  He is teaching them to take their most fearful thing and use the Expecto Protronus charm to turn the fearful thing into a thing to laugh at.  

There is a huge wardrobe in the classroom that the door opens and the thing you think of that you fear enters the room.  Example: Ron Weasley turned a giant spider into a spider with roller skates with a wave of his wand and the spoken words.  

I see Daniel Radcliffe, aka Harry Potter is suffering from a disease, dyspraxia, he does not talk about. So I look it up and it seems he has a mild case as he cannot tie his shoes.  Have you seen the great resume of acting this guy has done since being a little tyke?  He first came to my attention in David Copperfield, he was an amazing gifted actor when he was a child!  It seems the remedy for Dyspraxia is keep a positive attitude and focus on a high self esteem.  Really? That's it?

Compared to the draw backs I have experienced with ADHD I can hardly say his Dyspaxia has caused him any real problems.  Can we talk problems?

My Sweetheart said, "Why doesn't he say Expecto Protieous and be done with it?"

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