Thursday, May 18, 2017

"The Universe Is A Friendly Place" Again...

This one mantra is one I am currently hammering into my head. If I can believe this ONE thing, truly believe this one mantra then I can relax and KNOW that everything that happens to me, good or bad is moving toward the destiny of my dreams. I can maintain inner peace that is the goal for me.

So like in every paradigm shift of consciousness I celebrate "baby steps." Yesterday we ordered a plate to be engraved for our daughter's graduation.  My Sweetheart had handmade a "thing" for her and was contemplating the size and shape so the plate was first this size and in comparison to font size it would be clearly read...

Now I must make the point here that I am not a procrastinator. My Sweetheart has won award for procrastination but no one can criticize him for it because he always makes an "A+" on all his procrastinations.  Me?  I would have a cardiac arrest to wait to the last minute to do anything...
I bought our daughter's graduation gift in January online and had to send it back four times to get it right.  I order clothes 6 months ahead of time in case I need to send them back twice if necessary I dislike to shop in stores. Not being a procrastinator serves me well!

So, Sweetheart had dimensions size font he wanted and I went online called around to find someone that engraved for 1/4 the cost of "Things Remembered."  Love the engraved everything there but too expensive for engraving!  You get a plate for $10 and it costs $50 to put the letters on it.  So we found a local merchant that would do it.  They need 7-10 days lead time they are busy.  I ask, "Please?" They say "Yes."

I give them original order but as time goes on and more info is gathered by Sweetheart…he is building his "thing" the shape and size of the plate changes 4 times!  Oh no!  I call the receptionist 4 times to change order to accommodate his wish and each time she tells me they want a paper trail, put changes in an I do and press SEND.

An hour later the receptionist calls me and says "Where is the email?"  She gives me another email, I press SEND.  Now I am feeling kind of embarrassed for calling her back so many times and sending email after email after email after email with change after change after change after change after change, I DON"T DO THINGS THIS WAY!  I make sure and get it right the first time as much as possible.  She calls back and says “We have not received it yet. Is there a problem with your computer?”

So now Sweetheart comes out with a size he just made and says I like this one better, let's go with another size plate...What?  I call her back again totally embarrassed now for such fickleness and think these folks will not want to help us after this, after all they were doing us a favor to make the dang plate to begin with...

Turns out, the company had received none of my 5 emails, they were all stuck in my outbox.  So Sweetheart calmly send the final details from his computer and all is well.  He says, “Why would 5 email changes bother her? It would not bother me.”

Grrrr…and that is the difference between my Sweetheart and me. If the temperaments were the other way around, we might have been divorced years ago but as it seems…The Universe has his back too! J

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