Friday, May 5, 2017

Environmentalists Want Your Action, What Do WE Want?

Ben Franklin had a mentor who was a vegetarian and so at a young age he decided to become one too.  When he set voyage on his first ocean trip the food ran out and the crew were catching and eating fish to survive.  He refused at first but when he became very hungry he watched the opened belly of a large fish and inside were several little fishes.  BF thought well if nature survives by eating its own kind I guess I can eat animals too. Circumstances do influence actions.  

Following the blog of a few environmentalists and animal lovers, I enjoy the products they sell...I see these have no human babies. For whatever reason they can't have them or they choose not to... all of them have animals they love like family.  Understandable.  So if they have a big platform, a brand, or a following, they report on another example of humans destroying the planet and how much this bothers them and tell is to write our senators and congressmen to stop this or that.

In the comments I read other supporters saying, "Right on" or "I needed to hear this to remind me to take action” or "the planet can survive without us, but we cannot survive without the planet." True. Still others bring up the children are more important because it is they who will make the choices to save the planet and we need to focus on education and laws protecting them.

I, being a mother of human babies, agree I am concerned more for the protection of the innocence of life and am interested in laws that harshly punish drunk drivers, pedophiles, child sex trade, child porn, and the silencing of women's voices.  

Then someone wrote "people need to use birth control more the planet is overpopulating and causing more trash than the planet can dispose of."  Another rebuttal "it is not the population that is the problem but "how" they live," claiming if everyone lived green and clean all would be well.  All good points but trying to take in all of this is confusing to anyone.

Let's keep it simple.  You and I decided what WE want to focus on not another celebrity or environmentalist or animal rights person or organization. (And certainly not the comment section of any blog) You and I look at what is available to donate to if WE want to donate time or money.  How about WE are aware of many things but we cannot get overwhelmed with the responsibility of the world.  You and I can decide to recycle at our house. You and I can decided to pick up garbage off the street.  You and I can decide what animal or area on the planet WE choose to focus on and what WE can or will do without completely shedding tears over every commercial on TV.  It is possible to take positive actions without stressing over it or crying. 

Here's how simple it can like a park, you choose to walk in it and pick up trash on your walk to dispose of properly at the end of your walk. You see a tiger and want to give to any organization you believe will protect it.  Go online, there are other sanctuaries for animals around the world beside the World Wildlife Organization, and need your money more I might add. The point is you and I have a brain and two hands.   WE do not need another commercial or celebrity that gets you teary eyed over the blog to decide what is important to us.  

Everyone in the civilized technology world is aware of the problems and writing your politicians may make you feel better but we can take positive actions as WE see fit on a personal level.  Stressing about the world will be an unending worry too big to carry in one lifetime. Better look for ways now that people are helping and making the environment healthier. Here are two found recently that make me encouraged the world is becoming a better place. There are many more, don't despair environmentalists, first you know there is a problem, WE do, and next you figure a way to fix it, WE are.

19 Year old Develops a Machine to Clean the Ocean of Plastic

Meet the Companies trying to Break our Plastic addiction

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