Monday, May 1, 2017

We Are The Last Generation to KNOW...

What a farm is, home remedies to try before going to the doctor for tests and pills!  Scary, how dependent this generation is on stores, technology, medical facilities, and other people to make a decision about their own health and lifestyle.

SCARY!  The youth of today are spoon fed opinions by schools, books, society, fear, traditions, culture, religions, politicians, media, how to think.  To gather enough facts for yourself through many different sources to make your own mind up is not needed.

This government is slowly taking away the independence and the ability to make reasonable, rational decisions in the name of what is good for everyone by fighting, not allowing free speech on campuses that have differing opinions about anything.

We were born and raised in the south and we had no health care.  If we went to the doctor it was rare. When we went to the hospital, the hospital always had a way for us to repay over time when needed. Today there is so much cancer and meds for this and none of them promise longer life.

I would be onboard with setting up teaching programs in public schools for the youth of learn how to grow vegetables, harvest vegetables, eat vegetables, prepared by our own hands together.  Teach home remedies discovered by American Indians, and our country grandmothers, there are books written about these everywhere. Bring back organic living with natural medicines made at home.

Focus on sunshine and hiking, not botox, face lifts, and surgery for anything that ails ya.  Michelle Obama had the right idea, making kids aware of what to eat and to move more.  Loved the community gardens that were being set up for everyday kids around schools and communities.

Enough dropping off kids at every babysitter you can find so you can go back to work, enough after school activities that keep kids in every kind of class indoors invented, get back to just living...spend time with your kids.

Patience, kindness, both needed to grow a garden. Maybe inner peace would blossom then...

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