Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Where You Find Your Happiness, There You Should Live

Happiness is so hard for everyone to understand and I must admit I use to wonder too.  Again there is no book on "My Exact Happiness."  No one can know this but me.  No book, no philosopher, no minister, no culture, no government, no job, can teach ME what is my happiness. So I am going to share what I think is the "How" to find "Your Happiness."  Like all truth it is simple.

What makes you happy to do?

Where makes you happy to live?

Who makes you happiest to be around?

What makes you happy to accomplish?

How can you find a way to get paid while doing something you are proud and happiest doing?

Happiness is never found in momentary superficial acts or things.  Sex, food, bodily functions, material things, surgeries to improve an already "perfect body," are wants that when temporarily satiated, make you temporarily, momentarily relieved or satisfied, these do not make you happy.

Happy is an internal flame that never goes out.  It is found in appreciating simple everyday tasks. Happiness is found in appreciating the simple things someone does to show they love you on a continual basis.  So think...

Example: Are you happiest playing a guitar? Then play it, play with a band if you want to share that happiness with others.

Are you happy living away from home or even abroad?  Looking at mountains, meadows, oceans, lakes, or city? Then live there, away from home, live abroad if that makes you happy to share your life with others there while living there, be happy.

What friends and family make you feel loved, appreciated, and accepted for who you are without reservation?  Then spend your time there, being with those who love you the way you want to be loved and you can share your smile and laughter with. Be happy.

If you love to build something, become a mechanic, a mason, etc. and find a job in that field so you can feel successful getting paid for what you enjoy to do. Share your knowledge and skills with others who appreciate and work with you.  Be happy.

If in the process you find you leave old friends or your family to live your happiness then so be it. If your family and friends truly love you, then you will be able to go live your happiness with others knowing your happiness is all we all want for one another.

Today I thought how happy I was to have a washer and dryer in my house to clean my clothes, I remember a time when I had to go to the laundromat.  Then I hung my towels out on a line to dry stiff and scratchy, I love to dry off with a stiff and scratchy towel, this makes me happy. I remember a time I had no house or clothesline.  I thought about how I love to decorate a home and do art and how I shared this talent with friends.  How much fun it is to be alone and read or hike or kayak, and how it makes me happy to come home when I want to, or to know my Sweetheart is only a phone call away.  

I am so happy to have my dear, dear, sister-in-laws, who are the kindest and best friends to my brothers and mother. I was so happy raising our children, trying to give them high morals, a kind heart, a knowing their life is to be of service to others not just themselves.  Most of all we tried to give them freedom to live life on their terms with our full support.  No guilt, no ties, just happiness.

Wherever you find your happiness, there you should live, be happy.

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