Thursday, May 11, 2017

The Apology You NEVER Want To Get

When I was young and knew no better I use to hear these insincere apologies in personal relationship disagreements with male and female friends. These words turn the bad action of the other person on to you.  Now you are at fault for their mistake.  This is very tricky and you must be skilled in communication to spot it and make sure your accuser takes responsibility for the mistake and not you.
Here are the words...

"I'm sorry you took it that way."

This is not an apology!  This is an excuse for not caring for your feelings and a way for him/her to not take responsibility for hurting your feelings.  When you are close enough to even discuss such a hurt, at this point there should be open, honest, communication with a focus to make this a life long commitment.

If careless words and careless actions are not discussed openly and resolved honestly, over time, (could be years) one day there will be a separation and could end in divorce. Both will say "We just grew apart."

Tomorrow the four things I have heard from men my entire life when I call them on their motives and they do not want to admit to it.

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