Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Law of Attraction? There's no normal life, there's just life...

To go through life without a plan seems ludicrous.  And we all seem to know this, as we take directions from our parents, society, religious leaders, everyone but what do we want to do?  At first, we don't know.  We know we need food, shelter, so if we leave the security of our parents’ home that means we need money.  Maybe the thought of being on our own is so overwhelming we go to college, get married, go in the military, the seminary, join the Peace Corps, etc.  Whatever we choose, we become…

And we live.  Good things happen, bad things happen, and we learn to navigate the unexpected.  What we are not taught is that good things happen and bad things happen to everyone. To say, “Why me?” is for the universe to answer, “Why not you?”   Where did we learn that life is to be full of perfection with no challenges? 

There are teachers proclaiming (The Secret) that our life is determined by the Law Of Attraction. The law that says we attract everything is outrageous to me.  I know for sure that bad things do happen to extremely positive upbeat people.  Yet the thought that every bad thing happened because I attracted it is insane to me. To be guilt ridden over things out of your control can bring illness if you dwell on it. 

I knew a good man, he had a beautiful family, he had a long successful marriage and his children loved their parents. His daughter newly married just announced to her family she was pregnant with their first grandchild, the family was ecstatic.  She was driving home from the grocery store the next week and a drunk driver drove into her car and killed her.

Did she attract this?  I should say not…this death almost killed her father in grief. If he thought she attracted this, he would surely have gone insane. He did survive, he questioned “Why God why?” eventually he moved on but he almost lost his faith in the process.  He was a Doctor of Theology and Director of a Christian school.  It is stories like these of which I have heard a few that make me question this LOA that everyone is so keen on teaching for manifestation.  What do you believe about the LOA? I’m open to listen. 

I want to believe in it but I refuse to live in guilt if something bad happens.  Life may be outer chaos but I will find inner peace. My mind, my thoughts is all I have control over.
It is much more comforting to believe, there is no normal life, there’s just life.

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