Thursday, May 25, 2017

Another Ministry Started? No thanks.

There are some acquaintances that we have known for years.  This one couple we know use to be Catholic but like so many Catholics I know today they ventured out to learn more about God for themselves instead of being spoon fed (ceremonies in another language) the rules of God to live by. Of course this leads to breaking away from the Catholic Church.  Cafeteria Catholics are those left behind to pick and choose what they attend or believe.  People are waking up to NOT being happy wearing blinders and not questioning leaders in the church anymore.  

Think religion is not big business?  All of them once inside your brain are getting people to give their money mindlessly to the church.  There are so many people that could use that money in a more constructive way.  Lookup "Heifer International", "Ten Thousand Villages", etc.  Church personalities get bigger houses and planes, and how is this helping to end war and poverty worldwide? It is NOT.

Many Catholics friends do not easily go with a belief system that requires deep connection with the essence of what it is to be human and therefore letting go of a book, a church group or an organized religion.  My Catholic friends therefore go to a new age Christian church like Grace Fellowship here, others down south go to Congregational Christian Church.  Nevertheless it is a building with a group of believers that have a support group of their beliefs. That is good for them. To be weightless on earth to trust intuition to live is out of the question. They need 5 senses book to touch.

I have never felt comfortable in any group in any building and have traveled a path to find my own truth.  The only thing that felt right to me was the teachings of Buddhism that incorporates the 5 senses into my actions and outcomes. Still I am not Buddhist.  I do not join groups because groups are not necessary.

Then in my continued seeking I found the work with Byron Katie and eventually Eckhart Tolle.  To be free to live on my terms, taking responsibility for my own life and actions, is the greatest freedom of all, weightless.  To be in touch with my inner peace which is loving and kind is my guide post.  I am not responsible for others salvation and they are not responsible for mine.  I can be non-judgmental of others and only take action to protect another when violence is subjugating innocents.  

There are enough religions and ministries around and there is NOT enough acceptance and unity among them.  Personally I do not think we need another ministry started but our acquaintances are starting another one. They will be the self-proclaimed leaders and invite us to join. No thanks, been there got that t-shirt, moving beyond.  

So thankful for BK and ET.  These teachers share and leave the rest of us to think with our brain to wake up to conscious thinking and live as we choose with no condemnation or need to tell us this way is "the only way."  No judgments against those that require another ministry, it is just not for me anymore. We are all one.  


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