Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Who are the Five People you Spend the Most Time with? Do 3 cats count?

This is true, it must be everyone teaches this at some point in every single "live your dreams seminar."  From personal experience I know negative people, including those you love can bring you down, get you unexcited about your dreams. If there is enough "Douglas Downers" around work or play, you want to get away. And we should run, run fast and far to save our sanity.

So I think how happy my husband and I can be on a daily basis.  Eckhart Tolle and other Buddhists teach  if you want to learn to be present and joyful watch nature, learn from nature.  Did you know that the mammal that has the highest death rate on Mondays is humans?  That's because animals can't tell time... 😂😆😄Think about it.

If you look at my life you may say, what more could she be doing with it?  But then you must understand I hang out with a husband that thinks I'm perfect just the way I am, and my 3 in-house Buddhist teachers in fur coats, Daniel, Moke Moke, and Baby...that is as ZEN as it gets!

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