Monday, May 22, 2017

Your Finest Hour

You have worked at it for years, you have dreamed of the day, you walk down the aisle or up to the stage to your finest hour.  What in your life did you decide to do and you accomplished it?

There will be many finest hours in your life as you continue to plan, pursue, and achieve.  Breathe in these moments. Savor the taste of satisfaction.  Appreciate yourself because no one knows for sure what it took for you to do it.

Look around.  Who helped you achieve this success?  Thank them, thank yourself.  There are challenges in this life that will keep coming as you live.  Relax and embrace this life, there will be many more finest hours.

Think of these fine hours when you are challenged with confidence that there will be more finest hours as you stay thankful and keep moving forward.

Congratulations dear one. We are so proud of you.

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