Wednesday, May 24, 2017

The Spinner

All our children were together for daughter's graduation day. We are so busy and see each other rarely, we play catch up on all the happenings in our lives in a 36 hour period.

In our conversations we talk about inventions the new ones we like such as… have you heard about the “Anger Management Rooms” in NYC.  People pay to destroy a room with a weapon of your choice. Ax, baseball bat or crowbar. The room is supplied with furniture from Salvation Army complete with pictures on the wall and coffee tables, everything you would see in a regular house living room. The main customer is divorced men.  No wonder, this is no joke, a real business. ($100 an hour)

Another business in NYC is “The Cuddler.”  This man who is a masseuse will give you a massage and then spend hours with you spooning.  Women are the main customer.  No there is no sex involved at all. Some customers just want to cuddle.  Who knew there was a market for this? Anyway he claims he is booked 24/7.  ($80.00 an hour)

My eldest tells me of...The spinner. It is a ball bearing spinner device you hold in your hand and sells for $19.99 at check outs in NYC.

Me:  “What?” I say. “Shut up! This is ridiculous who would waste good money on such a thing, I don’t believe these are selling are they?"

My son: “Everyone is buying them you see people everywhere spinning them.”

Me: “Good grief, this generation can waste more time and money doing nothing. It would be nice for them to slow down and think of doing something productive with their time.”

Next day I went to lunch with my daughter and meet some kid playing a guitar and he has spinners on the table in front of him.

Me: I ask him, “What are those?”

Kid: He says, “Spinners.”

Me: I say, “Can I try it?” 

Kid: He says, “I have lots of them you can have that one.”

Me: “Really? Thank you.”

I played with that damn thing for 8 hours all the way home. Now I want one that glows in the dark...

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