Thursday, July 27, 2017

20 things to save time and make your life easier...

I made these up as I go and after 60 years find this just makes MY life easier.

1)  Put one sock on followed by the shoe every time you put on socks and shoes.

2)  Put toilet paper on so that the fold comes over the top.

3)  Close toilet lid after each use before flushing to prevent spreading germs, especially in public.

4)  Always end teeth brushing by brushing the tongue for fresher breath.

5)  Never leave food in cans, transfer to plastic blickkies with cover, store in frig. (Glass w/ tops ok.)

6)  Always clean out lint trap BEFORE starting the dryer.

7)  Use cat litter bags with litter, throw the whole thing out each time rather than scoop.

8)  A potato peeler is much easier than a knife.

9)  A tomato knife with serrated edge is much easier when peeling a tomato.

10)  A serrated scoop works fast on onions to get the core out.

11)  A Williams Sonoma vegetable chopper is a must for chopping onions with speed and no tears.

12)  Buy a tall plastic water bottle on the road?  Keep it, refill it at home, use it again and again.

13)  Keep a protein bar and a pack of cheese crackers w/ p-nut butter in your car for emergencies.

14)  Put Rainex protectant on your car windshield on dry days, enjoy the benefits on rainy ones.

15) Keep a roll paper towels in your car, handy when you really need it.

16)  Keep Rainex 2in1 window washer fluid in car winter time, keeps windshield clear in snow.

17)   If out of beef or chicken stock to make soups, use bouillon cubes. Melt one per cup hot water.

18)   When low on money, always buy food for your domestic animals first, they depend on you.

19)  Spend every available minute one on one time with your animals and children. They will be gone         soon enough.
20) When buying any outdoor wear for any activity, ask for assistance from a veteran outdoorsman, otherwise you will get hiking boots too small as in the opening scene of "Wild" the movie.  Soon as she pulled her toenail off, I said, "Her boots are too small, who fitted her for this hike? The girl has enough trouble without ill-fitting boots!"

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