Thursday, July 27, 2017

Believing your thoughts can make you crazy, even make you think you are better off dead...

Sweetheart says he has never thought of ending his life no matter what happened.  There are those who say,"Everyone thinks of checking out at some time or another, simply is NOT true.  Some people like the slow death caused by their addiction, food, alcohol, drug, sex, water, exercise, anorexia, negative thinking, rage, anger, whatever is done in excess will eventually kill you. The human body heals with right thinking, right foods, right exercise, enough sleep, the body will live. The problem is we think our thoughts are our body but in reality the two are connected only if you believe it.

The minute you come out of your desperate thoughts, peace.  The minute the mania passes, peace. The fantasy that you are your thoughts once realized as not true, the beginning of the healing process. Many great teachers of the mind and how it works teach this but few of us accept this and try to live it.  This attachment to our ego's thoughts causes depression, anxiety, and every dysfunctional behavior we display.  Genetics throw us a curve ball at times, and maybe we cannot overcome an inherited disease easily...maybe we can learn to manage it, but so much of what we endure is caused by stressful thinking. Byron Katie helps relieve this stress through her teachings. (YouTube)

Can managing our thought heal mental illness? Some say "Yes" some say, "No."  I think it is up to the individual.  Want to live a life on pharmaceuticals? Or find a way to manage your life by not succumbing to them?  The choice is yours.  Not easy, takes discipline and focus.

I study everyday to manage my thoughts.  I'll let you know what develops for me, so far, much better.
Food for thought.

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