Saturday, July 8, 2017

Black Cloud Following You Around? Patience with NOT Knowing Can Save you Stress...

We all have known someone we have said, "That guy has a black cloud following him around." Meaning he gets out of one bad situation and another happens. Or is it?

Eckhart Tolle recently taught this nugget of truth (again) to chew on, "I heard it" this time,  that even if bad things are happening to you constantly, "Welcome these situations as if you had chosen them. In this way life can teach you lessons from each experience"

Every experience is necessary for growth to happen within me and the world around me.  Patience and being ok with not knowing answers now or why will in time reveal answers to me. Living this long has revealed many things I did not know when I was younger.

I climbed Cascade Mountain last year.  It was a rocky, steep, climb.  All reports said it was an easy to intermediate level of hiking. If I was 30 again I would agree but I am not. Every 30+ feet there was a curve I could not see around and my Sweetheart said, "It will straighten out and be flatter soon." I begin to not like Cascade hiking.  So I kept climbing.  Always believing the next curve would begin the level part, I kept hiking up, up, up. I climbed 4 1/2 hours to the top. If I had known it was never going to be flatter all the way to the top, I would have turned back. My Sweetheart believes he read the wrong review for this mountain. 😂 I did have fun with him that day.

The view was beautiful from the top of Cascade Mountain, but I have seen views like that before and if I had known there were no flatter trails, I would have turned back.  (Black fly bites the worst)
I scratched for weeks.

Patience with not knowing kept me sane and moving up to the top. At least I climbed that mountain once on my sixtieth year.

I once heard Sharon D. say years ago, "Life's lessons will be repeated until learned" I always remembered that, it is a good one liner. I will not be climbing Cascade Mountain again anytime soon.

Do you have an example of accepting the fact of "not knowing" that helped you move on?

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