Wednesday, July 26, 2017

The Kangaroo Bride

She was looking for an egg poacher. I told her I believed it was in the cooking section of the store.  The conversation began...excited her fiance was coming in from army active duty tomorrow, she was meeting him in person for the first time and getting married next week. They had been talking on Facebook for about 8 months.  Both of them divorced for years, her children were older and he had a 5 year old. After much email talking he invited her up here to NY to stay at his place until he returned from active duty.  That was tomorrow.

I asked her where she was from and she told me Florida where she owned a farm and raised hedgehogs, wallabies, and kangaroos for big profit back in the nineties.  Male wallabies sold for $3000 and female for $5000, or was that kangaroos?  I don't recall, anyway she made a good living at it.  Once she had 60 kangaroos, wild dogs got in the fence and ran 40 of them to death.  "They didn't kill 'em, mind you, they ran 'em to death."

"After that I went into the fenced area and cut out about 20 babies out of the mother's pouch, had o raise them by hand. I kept 12 of 'em in my house.  I put diapers on 'em, cut a tail hole in the but, and changed them all day. Yep, they growed up and were fine.  Did you know a female kangaroo nurse three babies all the time?  Yep, on on the teat, a bobbie in the pouch and an embryo inside.  As each grows they change places and the cycle starts over again."

"My son don't want me up here to marry my fiance. He wants my money and my land. He said he was going to get me declared crazy and he and his wife were going to take it all.  I told him, you are no good.  Calling me a bad mother, I'll show him.  I'll marry my fiance and leave it all to him."

I asked, "How do you know this man doesn't just want your money and land?"

She,"No we talked, he's got money. He has full custody of his 5 year old son, his mother is a drug addict and in jail, She don't want him. I love kids, so we are going to get him out of the home where his father had to leave him while he went with the army."

Me,"Well it's nice to see you embracing the next stage of life so positively. I wish you the best."

She said, "Yes I don't know why he wants old me, I sent him a picture of me, he says I'm beautiful.I'm 73 years old, he's 41. He says he is tired of cheating women and I ain't never cheat on my husbands, I told him I won't cheat on him."

"Best wishes to the bride and congratulations to the groom."
I do love hearing stories, I learn something every day.
This is a wallaby, yes it is different from a kangaroo.

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