Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Tim Ferriss, Finds Comfort in Stoicism for Bipolar

Stoicism was practiced by George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and John Adams according to Tim Ferris in a Ted Talk on " Why you should define your fears instead of your goals."  He found stoicism as a refuge and guidepost for staying focused.  My husband is as five senses oriented as any person alive.  Spiritual things are not his forte. Science he gets. My Sweetheart likes stoicism.

I say science and spiritual are not separate.  Stoicism brings the two together.  Probably the greatest lesson to learn from stoicism is:

"Things I can control and things I cannot control." ~Epictetus

Three kinds of business according to Byron Katie, the

1) God's business

2) Other people's business

3) Your business

Makes sense, 'You/I can control our business only, so stay focused there.  More precisely, we can only control our perspective, our thoughts.  And from this we move into action.

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