Sunday, July 16, 2017

Feeling Sorry For Yourself? There's only one thing to do...

Recently we have a very sick kitty.  He never complains as he gets sicker.  We took him to the vet and the vet is taking him in for surgery soon as possible.  Speaking with my son we discussed how animals never feel sorry for themselves.  They are our best example of accepting what is and not complaining.  (So Byron Katie, so Eckhart Tolle, so stoic)

I told him one of my favorite quotes was from D. H . Lawrence, "I never saw a wild thing feel sorry for itself. A small bird will drop frozen dead from a bough without ever having felt sorry for itself."

Humans are complicated in thought.  We may intervene with a sick kitty to prolong its life,  and we may prevent death for a while.  We do the same for humans we love but what is it we fear?  Death is as natural as birth and both happen every minute. Are we so attached to life that to leave it scares us? Or is it we live in a society where everything has to be perfect, a society that does not teach death is expected and natural?  We have to win, win, win, never give up when at times we should.

Buddha "All attachment is suffering."  No truer words were spoken.

Why me? ... is feeling sorry for yourself.  Why not you? Everyone has troubles, it is your turn.  The only thing left to do is get grateful for everything good in your life, accept what you cannot change and take action to change the things you can. Learn from your mistakes if applicable and move on.

The serenity prayer by Reinhold Niebuhr was published in 1951. (Three parts, accept things, change things and the third may be most important: the wisdom to know the difference.)

A habit you do not want to develop, is self-pity.  A waste of time and your time here is so limited. Take action instead.  All will be well.

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