Saturday, July 29, 2017

500 years ago heirs could not choose, today we can and do...

Times are changing.  500 years ago when one person started a farm, a business, and it was successful the next generation was expected to follow in father’s footsteps.  Starting anything in this country was hard.  There were no transportation, no cars, no railways, no bridges, roads, airplanes were an unfathomable phenomenon.  No banks or investors stateside... Success took pure ingenuity, education, slave labor or political connections. Inventions here all new.

So the generation that made it through prohibition, entertainment, gambling, saloons, brothels, lying , cheating, robbery, acted out of desperation to be millionaires and live an opulent life only heard of in other continents.  Desire, want, need.  Some figured it out, others did not.  So we are the descendants of a collage of reverends and horse thieves.  Some relatives were both. 

Today, the goal to be millionaire is no more.  Billionaire is the new millionaire.  Why? Because many have figured out how to make a million and the opulent life is now the one of trillionaires.  The reality is that this generation has available to them choices like never before in history.  Opportunities for all to go to school regardless of a wealthy family.  Anyone can put a business together and try to turn a profit regardless of race or religion.  Anyone can run for public office.  This country has great opportunity for men and women.

So out with the old, in with the new ideas of this generation. This generation is not desperate to be millionaires.  This generation wants to make money to give to start foundations that help mankind.  This generation wants to extend a helping hand to all and not focus on materialism.  And because the world is changing for the better, heirs can leave the farm, leave family businesses, go out into the world to pursue individual goals and be successful at it.  They can choose their life based on their desires not the last generation’s business, possessions, expectations.  Freedom is choice and choice is here, now. What a wonderful world…

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