Tuesday, July 4, 2017

USA is the Land of OPPORTUNITY for EVERYONE Proclaims an Immigrant

Gary Vaynerchuk. This guy is becoming one of my favorite speakers. He not only speaks well with information good to hear no matter what you are doing in life, he has learned many life lessons in his life since coming to America. When I hear immigrants that come here thinking we have roads paved with gold and life is easy here, I wonder where they got their information.

Gary's folks came here for the OPPORTUNITY to live life free and prosper. His Dad saw to make it anywhere one has to work, work, work, save, save, save, and invest in ownership of his own business. For some reason Americans born and raised here seem to think everything should be given to us...for what being born? We act like spoiled rich kids and miss the opportunity given us right here in the USA.

Kids born into financially wealthy families are given every opportunity without working to get it and in time find things are so easily achieved for them, (i.e. Parents can buy them diplomas if need be and can hook them up with the right people to do or sell whatever the kid invents or makes, in other words these rich kids do not have to sweat, save, and use critical thinking skills to break into a market,) Dad or Mom have all the connections. Rich kids say, "Easy come, easy go." (Abusing people is easy, people like things are disposable.) "If something or someone does not serve my purpose, I can get rid of them."

There are morally corrupt rich people that file lawsuit after lawsuit to put the competition out of business because the competition does not have enough money to run their business and pay lawyers to keep doing the legal work to fight. There is such a thing happening right here in Albany, NY and your town. It happens everyday.

The bottom line is when you come from nothing, you have nowhere to go but up but you will not get there unless you work, work, work, save, save, save, save, and invest in ownership of your own business. Ownership of your own business is not a guarantee unless you stay out of debt and find ways to turn a profit bigger every year. Working a job to make money to save, save, save, is good, work three if need be but to be financially free we need to own our business. Business founded from the sweat and savings of a morally upright person has a much better chance of prospering. These people are not chasing the dollar, they actually care about others.

Gary Vaynerchuk may be the modern man's mentor in business the world has waited for... a mentor who knows to put love for his family first, to be sexually faithful to his wife always, to spend any off time from work with his children, he knows to have love and give love takes time with these relationships. He does not have time to go drinking with the boys, or gaming, hanging out doing drugs, using women for selfish momentary pleasures, Gary does not believe in using anyone to get to the top of his business. (And he knows to be happy and rich takes time with your loved ones.)

But he does believe in giving back to people his knowledge and wisdom of life. He is a good man. He loves the USA. He loves capitalism that gives the individual the OPPORTUNITY to rise above any station in life. A Russian Jew Immigrant that is glad his father brought them here in 1978. He has a thick skin and knows who he is so other's opinion of him does not matter. He sounds a lot like Byron Katie.

He believes immigrants have the greatest push to make something of themselves because they know the alternative. They know what they escaped from recently. Future generations who have the basic luxuries supplied to them have less push. Gary says jokingly, "My kids are going to be total losers."

Thank you Gary for your public speaking and great insight that will help this next generation live well in the USA. Thank you.

The universe is a friendly place and life is getting better and better everyday.

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