Sunday, July 16, 2017

If You have Child with the Condition of either Bipolar or Asperger's, you have given birth to a True Genius!

Society today is afraid of the unusual.  To mention "Genius" you think that is something to be proud of yet people today have attached stigma to such labels as Asperger's or Bipolar.  Looking back on geniuses that have produced phenomenal work of note whether financial, written, medical, musical, governmental, inventions, etc. we applaud these, yet when given the face of such  person today we shy away from them. Uneducated nurses and doctors are even sometimes cruel to the patient that presents with Asperger's or Bipolar.

In reality these two labels are discriminate against as much as any prejudice against gay or race. And as foolish as the discrimination against LGTB or race, it can isolate or cause much undue harm to them as well in this society.

If these geniuses are born here now, there is a reason. The world needs their intellect to create, solve an issue, or expand the intellect present now. Everyone is born for a purpose, in the body, they have, the color they are, the condition they have, to teach the world more.  More of what?  That is to be seen by those humble enough to value every human life as much as our own.

You can Google famous Asperger's and Bipolar persons of note yourself.  Many are alive today. Think of this the next time you meet someone with Asperger's or Bipolar, thank your lucky stars to have met a real live "Genius!"  In time their intellect will reveal why they are here, that is if they are strong enough to survive the running of the gauntlet dealt out so harshly by society.

The few geniuses I have known are very sensitive, and at times shy, but when I am on a subject they care about, they can really expound great knowledge.  Socially awkward... can be, but hey aren't we all at times?

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