Friday, July 7, 2017

"Women are A Luxury Few Men Can Afford" ~ LMS

Recently visiting a man in the country selling sailboat hulls, (we were thinking of buying) long story, not the point, he told of his troubles in his life.  Needless to say, currently without a woman in in his life he has taken to the internet to have "girlfriends" in Spain, Beijing, etc.  He is sending money for one to go to school, he is sending money for another one to help her out financially because in that culture she is older and has no opportunities... OK.  His American wives did not work divorce, a Russian girl embezzled a truckload of money out of his company, another divorced, he married too young, he has reasons for every wife and girlfriend not working out and now he admits, "He is lonely."  He says, he does not have much money at this stage in his life  (He is 60 something) and "You know women have to have money or they don't want you."

Another man I know in Poughkeepsie, a pharmacy tech told me in another more uplifting conversation, that women like men with money. No money, no woman.  A friend's son is going through a divorce and the wife is getting everything.  His lawyer told him, "Why you are nothing but a wallet and sperm bank to her."

My father told me when I was a teenager, "Men don't need houses, that is a woman's idea.  A man can pitch a tent down by the river and provide all he needs... it is a woman who wants everything else. Only rich men can really make a woman happy.  Women are a luxury few men can afford."

Yes, I have heard and seen story after story of women wanting money, money to spend, money to get nose jobs, breast implants, buy houses, buy furniture, buy timeshares, buy, buy, buy, and the man is supposed to provide the money.  Where did women get this idea?

Maybe it came from generations of women not being able to vote, or have a personal credit card till 1970s in the USA, or own property or even have a right to her children in the case of divorce.  Maybe it comes from the fact women still on the average get paid less than men although they do the same job.  Maybe it comes from the vulnerability a woman has to bear when she gives birth and takes care of a newborn for the first year at least, if she has a husband that can shoulder the financial obligations by himself, it makes this easier.

Why do you think men think all women want is money?

1 comment:

  1. It is a self-fulfilling prophecy.

    1. Man is lonely and thinks all women are greedy.
    2. Man spends all his time making money rather than getting to know women.
    3. Man offers money to woman.
    4. Woman accepts and man feels justified in his belief that women only want money.

    Alternatively, a man may withhold his defeatist assumptions and notice that women are not emotionless clones. Money is fungible - one twenty dollar bill is as good as the next - but people are not, except people who offer nothing besides money.
