Thursday, July 20, 2017

We Breeze in and We Breeze out

Life is short. I spent last week in Boston, Harvard Hospital and Yale, New Haven, CT delivering drugs.  There were so many people milling about each of these two structures that go on and on with floor after floor, wing after wing. People everywhere.  Just to be in theses building you can see how each of us takes up a minute space in time.

Each of us are  no more important than the next but our minds can really make us special.  The time we are here is fleeting, we have no time to carry around burdens of low self image and egotistical highs thinking any of us are more important than the other. To get inside our head these thoughts is to miss the beauty of everyday life.

To get our minds to really have inner peace is to drop the ego and just be.  How to do this is the key but I think it has to do with slowing down and being thankful.  Yep I'm sure that is the first key.

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