Friday, July 7, 2017

Women Free from Dependence on Getting Married to Have Money and an Identity

Things have got to change in the individual before the change can affect the world.  Maybe thousands of years of women being so undervalued that some men, even today, have a harem of them, or in political or royal families, women treated like sex objects for momentary male pleasure, or a breeder for heirs.  Women who think so little of themselves or believe they have no choice, allow men to use them this way.

There are cultures in other countries and religions that train women from birth that their sole purpose is to have sex to satisfy a man's needs, have babies, serve a man, and care for the family to the point that women are looking to a man to supply everything including money to live on earth. Some men are trained from birth, they rule the world and can do whatever they want to do regardless of women's opinions. Middle Eastern countries seem to have the most demonstration of this daily but the world is becoming open to educating women more than ever in the past, even in America this kind of thinking is shrinking.

I've heard this in African cultures. African men have multiple wives and multiple children by them. One man from Ghana told me, multiple children for poor African families 'is the retirement plan.' He told me he was working on his 5th child and had to have at least 6 more. More children more money to care for geriatric parents.  I asked him, "What about the children's education? What about them having their own life and aspirations?" He answered, "Why?  I supported my parents with my 9 siblings, what else is there for them to do?"  He then told me why he was having 11 children, "I'm having 11, because 9 was not enough money for my parents to live on." (At no time did he say he was concerned with what his wife wanted to do.) 

Coming to America, in time may show his children there is another reason for having children.  Freedom for them to live on their terms if they choose without stagnated, archaic, tradition or cultures.  

I knew a young girl of 14 from Niger with a beautiful french accent. In conversation with this young lady it was clear she was educated beyond her age and school, and knew of finer things in life.  She told me she had a wonderful college educated father who brought his family to America 2 years ago to live free and have a better life.  She was always well dressed and lovely to speak with every day.  She loved to play the french horn and played it beautifully.  When I asked her what she wanted to do when she grew up with this talent and love of it, she replied,"Me?  I will become a wife like my mother at 19 to a fine man and have a family."  I asked her, "If someone told you, you have a choice, you do not have to become a wife at 19, you could go on to college and study music and maybe one day, if you choose. play in an orchestra and travel the world, would you like that?  She got excited and jumped up and said,"Yes, yes, I would like this! But how can I do this?"  I told her in the USA women can choose to go to college and have their own life separate from being a man's wife.  She said, "My mother will not allow this."  "I told her in America, you do not need her permission."

I know, you think...but how can a girl change her life and live the dream if she does not know she has the ability and now a country to do it in?

Women will not arrive to gain the needed respect and impact they can have as a woman unless women see themselves as more than a sex object to attract attention to themselves, or be a housewife. 

Women can use their voice in kind constructive conversation to make compromises to move forward.  It will take persistence and time but we will not get there in anger and rioting, that is a man's way and we see that has never done anything but cause more war. Enough of this. Ladies using the gentle special forces of women, persistent in peaceful negotiations will have more effect. Complete silence does not cause positive peaceful change but persistence will.  

Peace begins with me. by Byron Katie and Eckhart Tolle helps me. What are you interested in changing here or globally?

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