Saturday, July 22, 2017

Decisions, what to do is known, but when?

The Vet has decided the fair thing to do is put the cat down soon.  The family does not want to as long as there is movement and purrs.  Me?  I want to do what is best for the cat.  Family wants to see less life before putting cat down.  Me? I understand that meds given daily are what is giving the cat the palliative care before the end.  This false sense of normality provided is the culprit of a better quality of life than the cat actually has.

Tomorrow a second opinion and a doc answers further questions. No one wants to end the life of a loved one sooner than needed.  I for one do not want the cat to live on drugs until it collapses. Drugs are no fun anytime except to keep pain away temporarily while you heal.  This cat will not heal, this is a terminal diagnosis.  The humans have to make peace with this, the cat is at peace and comfortable now.  Me? I have to live with the humans conflicted. In the end, if they are not at peace about this, I would be the bad guy to go ahead with doc's recommendation.  So I wait.

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