Sunday, July 16, 2017

The one thing that is amiss about acceptance of everyone and everything...

There are a certain number of people that believe we should be accepting and loving to everyone and everything in the world.  Here's the major problem with this, everyone is not comfortable with everything everyone else does.

For instance, I was in nursing school and a friend of mine was approached by two nursing students both older women around 40 who wanted my friend to join in their "wife swapping group." Evidently these two women were in a "wife swapping" group that include 5 couples. One of the women explained that she and her husband had done this for years and were currently purchasing a new home with five bedrooms where they all could meet once or twice a month to swap and would my friend be interested in joining with her husband? (Interesting sidebar, she never thought to have my friend discuss with her husband whether he would like this or not, I guess she assumed all men would be ok with this?)

My friend had 3 children and told them "No."  I'm raising children and I want to be an example to them.  Cheating on my spouse is not for me.  She was then told, "It's not cheating if you both agree."

Sexual addictions are out of control today.  Sex was never meant to be used as a tool solely for personal gratification as so many use it today.  

If the world decides to make up the rules as they go with no concern of the effect for the future generations of children we will end in chaos.  Every adult is an example to the children. Every child wants their Mother and Dad to be together forever. No one taught them this, they think it.  It is the major reason adoptive children don't get along with step parents.

So acceptance of everyone and everything has to have boundaries in consideration for future generations. This is not to say that alternative lifestyles such as gay or transgender is wrong, it is to say this is a two person world, I do know a "couple" truly committed to each other is less chaos to any mind than multiple wives and multiple husbands.

Addictions of any kind harm and destroy every person that is caught up in it.  To become aware of the true nature of you is to rid ourselves of harmful behaviors.  Currently I am ridding myself of the thought I do not need to exercise or watch what I eat because truth is we all do.  It is not about looking thin it is about being healthy.  Coincidentally we will get thin as we exercise and eat healthy. Acceptance of everyone ad everything is NOT conducive to a healthy world.

Acceptance of what is to endeavor to do better is good, acceptance of what is and becoming complacent is not finding healthy pathways to improvement.

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