Sunday, July 16, 2017

Ask not, "What do I want From Life?' Rather ask, "What does Life Want From Me?

If we lived our life as if we have a reason to be here beyond what we think we want and need, how much more fulfilling would each life be to discover our personal gifts and how to share them with the world?  This really would mean we would find what we love to do and see how the world provides us with a way to live doing it.  We would believe doors would be open to us, we would see doors open to us and we would walk through them because we would know it is the right path for us.

To live in this joy is to be confident of who we are and where we are going.  What if we started today, asking the universe, "What does Life want from me?" and listen and watch as life reveals this to us.

Eckhart Tolle teaches we are the dance, that life is the dancer.  Byron Katie teaches we might as well accept life as is, because lives us every day anyway.  Go with the flow, take action when you feel inspired to do so, make plans but be ready to change directions as life arises with challenges.  This is too easy...

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