Thursday, July 20, 2017

Guilt, A Mother's Control Button

Today I was listening to Eckhart Tolle teach about the ego and the desperate need for the ego to hold on to itself.  An example among many he taught about women who use guilt to get the children to do things for her, around her, to visit her, etc.  He explains that this is not rooted in love although the woman may think it is, it is born out of an identity crisis the woman has once she is not needed a much, the children grow up and move away.

The woman so identifies with being a caretaker of children that she will continue to tell 40 year children, "She knows best."  This is the ego refusing to die.  If this role dies then the woman will need to move on to the next phase of her life.  Ego.

I decided when I was in my twenties that there were two emotions I would not do, "guilt and shame." So far so good.  Much easier to ask forgiveness and move on.  I hope i do this with our children if not, I guess their blog will be forthcoming one day.  I will read it and accept. Namaste.

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