Wednesday, March 29, 2017

9-5 Job Mentality is Heaven to some People

As a rebellious person by nature and face it, we all are, I like to think that having my own business, being my own boss is easier than answering to a micromanaging boss.  And it is true that if you want freedom from others telling you what to do your own business is the way to go.

If you learn how to navigate through hard times and keep up the pace to a monetary success it is work.  And then there is no guarantee of financial success but you absolutely will learn a lot if you look closely.  In time you may even turn a great profit and be able to give money to organizations you believe in to help others.  After all you can only spend so much money...

Then teaching others, giving a helping hand to others after you, teaching how to circumvent situations that can bring a business down, but instead stay afloat to better days would be most beneficial to new business owners.   Because face it, in ownership no one can keep that ship afloat but you.  Helping another is the ultimate success.

So as I was talking to a friend about my perspective of owning a business, she pointed out that this is it, MY perspective.  She is a therapist and counselor and works with people who are so alone and outcasts by family members because of their mental illnesses that to be able to be independent enough to hold down a 9-5 job, have a one room apartment and food on the table everyday would mean more to these folks than a million dollars.  These folks are not going to get well.  This is not negative thinking it is their reality.

My perspective is based on my reality, my life, my experiences.  That is all you have too.  If you have not walked in another person's shoes you absolutely cannot know their trials and tribulations.  We cannot fix them either, in the end we all have to find our way. Some of these mentally ill folks think the only way out is suicide and for them it may be.  This is hard to comprehend.  None of us have the moral superiority, no church, no state, no government, to judge another for choosing suicide.  But we do judge, why?  Does death frighten us?

And more than this, these persons want someone, just someone, to unconditionally listen to their crazy thoughts without judging them crazy.  Unconditional love and acceptance is what we all are seeking.

I still stand by the understanding that the only peace we find in this life is inside of us, because the world will never provide the safety and security we need. Drug, alcohol, food, sexual, exercise, vanity, religious, addictions are all our way of trying to fix what is going on inside.

It is time we all begin to take whatever control we may have of our thoughts and learn to love and accept ourselves so we can move on.  Peace is an inside job, always has been and always will be. Once we establish this within, then in time peace can spread throughout the world, the result a peaceful world. This may take thousands of years.

Thank you friend for opening my eyes more to your perspective and experience.

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