Monday, March 20, 2017

That Byron Katie & Eckhart Tolle Are NUTS

The stoics have been around since the beginning of time 55-135 BC Epictetus, one of the earliest stoics, and have continued to teach and influence mankind through out the ages. In their day they were considered "New Age" thinkers and many said, "They are nuts!"

Centuries later we study all kind of ancient texts to reveal the mysteries of life we just cannot figure out on our own,  When we come across something we agree with in theory we stay with it until something better comes along.  In this search we see we are NUTS and need answers,  So we look and find and worship and live till that does not work anymore.

In time we come face to face with realizing we don't have all the answers and no one does.  We find to focus on the present moment is hard to do because we were never taught this before but...

This thinking is taught by "New Age" thinkers today like Byron Katie and Eckhart Tolle.  It comes from a different face but it appears every century in human form to guide us to happiness and lead us home in our mind.  This home that is most comfortable is peaceful, non-judgmental, and happy.

I read reviews on the teachers I follow and so many people are afraid to change a thought to a peaceful one, and so these angry people call these teachers charlatans, witches, etc.  Regardless of the judgment, one rule of thumb I remember when deciding to investigate a new way of thinking, is this: "Is this person, philosopher, promoting a formula for self governing thoughts that lead to peace or is this person looking to take control of your mind to get money?"  Byron Katie teaches all her methods for free, Eckhart Tolle teaches all his lessons for free, on YouTube.  You do not have to believe or follow them at all.  You do not have to buy their books. You do not have to go hear them speak in person.  You decide.  I for one love their teachings and have found much inner peace because of their teachings.  No one is asking me to drink Kool-Aid, or wait on them physically in any way.  I would not do it anyway.  I am stubborn like that.  I am the first out of the sweat lodge no matter what you say.  Another story another day...

A peaceful thought that means we must let go of anger. Ok BK and ET, that is harmless enough, I think I'll try it. We will see this anger comes from within and is causing pain to ourself and can lead to violent words and actions to others.

To take full responsibility for ourself is scary because we want to be right all the time, If I'm not right then who am I?  Will I disappear in importance if I let go of all my 5 senses accomplishments?  How will I measure my worth if not by my diplomas, position, material items, and money?

This is the teaching of stoics, Byron Katie, and Eckhart Tolle, to be free from identification with this world is not to become invisible, it means we become more effective in our chosen profession.  We bring true peace into the world through our being present now.

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