Friday, March 17, 2017

I Am a Doubting Thomas, "I was born this way!"

When I think of all the roads of thought I have traveled and how 5 senses oriented I am I think it s a miracle I listen to anyone outside of me.

So when I really decide to study someone and adopt some of their teachings because these help me in some way, that is saying a lot about them and the content of their philosophy, I am not an easy sell.

These teachers all agree that you will not see beyond the 5 senses until you come to a place of giving up, realizing you do not want the thoughts you carry everyday because they are too painful to think about.  I have been giving up a little every year since childhood and finding more inner peace every year.

One thing I know about me, I am not a groupie.  I think it is dangerous for anyone to put a teacher on a pedestal and follow blindly.  This is a sure way to be disappointed eventually.

I have noticed every teacher comes from their core beliefs and incorporate the new ideas with their old beliefs.

I also notice I am much happier and less angry than most people I meet.  So something is working. Nothing new under the sun. So in the end whatever works for one, will work for another IF communicated in a way that resonates with that individual.  This I know for sure, inner peace is available.  It is much more work than drinking or doing drugs to escape, but it is worth it.

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