Saturday, March 11, 2017

Frankie "The Weatherman"

Frankie Macdonald had a dream since childhood to be a weatherman.  He watched the weather growing up and that became his dream, to deliver the weather on the air.  He has been making weather reports on YouTube for years and he is intelligent and funny.

As entertainment he is fresh and new and personally I never tire of his broadcasts.  He gives the weather reports for the entire planet.  His heart to tell you to get your laser pointer and black tea and stay inside for a few days is so fun, he communicates his concern for others.

How can anyone NOT LIKE HIM?  He is likeable.  He has control of his life and with consistency he delivers a video every day.  This young man has more discipline, drive, confidence, charm, than most people.

I have ADHD.  In the past researchers did not think this was a form of autism but more recently they see the two autism and ADHD overlap.  I know ADHD is real, I have struggled with test taking and school studies all my life and worked harder than others to make a decent grade.

Unlike many that worry when they hear a possibility of such a "label," I do not see my diagnosis as a bad thing.  I see these "labels" as a means to help the individual with tried and proven scientific actions to help deal with their challenges in daily life activities. This is a good thing.  If this had been available when I was growing up I could have gotten the help I needed to be more successful in test taking and ultimately my grades.

Then I think of my girlfriend who had dyslexia.  She was put in "Special Ed" classes all her life but she knew she did not belong there.  As a result she never got far in school although she is extremely bright.  She has confidence and that is why now, she is an elected Councilwoman in a town in PA. Yes she sits on boards and is a part of major decisions including taxes for the town.  Yep, after looking at everything on the table, she voted to raise taxes in her town last year.

Truth is bipolar, ADHD, Asperger's, autistic, all have unique qualities and make for the most interesting adults.  So if we can get past the judgments of the society we live in about being defective, imperfect, we can find we all have great abilities if we look inside. Even you normal people!

Frankie is a great example of going for his dream! He may be autistic but he is entertaining, makes us laugh, and at the same time we are so proud of what he does. He has a passion for what he loves and he not afraid to put himself out there!

We should all be so lucky as Frankie, the world is his oyster.

1 comment:

  1. Tonnnnnzzz of good stuff. Enjoyed your commentary as always.
    What are we waiting for? ...Push "record" and just start doing it.
