Thursday, March 9, 2017

Michelle Obama's Childhood Sounds Amazing!

Ted Talk has the first speech given by our First Lady at a school for girls in England. She spoke of her childhood and it was a storybook family.  She told of her great supportive grandparents that taught her the things she needed to know to lead a morally upright life.  Her father suffered from MS, got up and went to work without a complaint every day.  Her mother and father had a respectful supportive marriage that taught her what to look for in a marriage.   Education was promoted  throughout her life and she made top grades all the way through grade school into law school graduate.

She brought her mother to live in the White House with her children so they could also benefit from her mother's wisdom and she could help with the raising of them.

Although her childhood was one of poverty and being from the "South side of Chicago" bad neighborhood, it was her great supportive, wise, family members that made her life successful.
She told the girls that she thought it was "cool" to make all "As" in school and she had faith that the future of the world was in their capable hands.

She said her first date with her husband was to a community center where he was pairing up people with jobs to help the downtrodden of Chicago. He was a community organizer then, so she knew to be with him was to be in service to the people.

Wow, so two keys to her success is a supportive family and a good education. It definitely helps, she is proof of it.

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