Saturday, March 25, 2017

Find Your Happiness

Being happy gives one way too much free time. What will we do with the extra time if we skip over stressing about work, eating, deadlines, what we look like, another person, the perfect relationship, getting what we want when we want it? 

I have learned that when you spend enough time putting your nose in other people's business it takes time away from doing what you are supposed to be doing, it actually gives you an excuse not to.  And it is not fun.  What can you do to begin to find what makes you happy?

Oprah Winfrey in her early TV days was not happy with her pay.  She asked for a raise to earn as much as her male counterpart and was told basically, because she did not have a family and those "male" responsibilities she would not get that raise.  Instead of fighting, she told herself, "Time to look for another job."  She did and got a better one with more money. She made herself happy.

It is time to focus on what we have control over and move forward on this instead of getting mad about what we don't have control over.  In moving ahead we can avoid much bitterness and stagnation, and being happy will be within our reach.

Happiness is not found in material things, it is inside when you feel in control of your life.

Everyone does not have to be the next Einstein or Isaac Newton. To be what you are and be happy about it is the key. Finding how to be "happy" will be the next generation's greatest discovery because so far we have not figured this one thing out yet.

I think Byron Katie, Buddha, and I are on the same thought process.  I surrender again and again to the peace within. Happiness.

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