Friday, March 24, 2017

It is NOT A Sin to Want to be Rich, that's Religion Talking

Wattles wrote that to be rich is not a sin.

In the Science of Getting Rich written in 1910 by Wallace Wattles he teaches in antiquated language that to help the world you need to help yourself first. It is a good read for religious people who are unsure why to be rich is a good thing.

The best way to help the poor is not be one of them.  When you have money, you can offer more to others.  When you have an abundance of money, you can afford to live and be creative.

I, one year (1977) in my life believed if I gave more and more to my church, I would open myself to receiving more money in general. (After all the church taught this and I needed more money) The church does not pay my bills and that year I struggled paying rent, gas, food, etc.  I actually wrongfully thought when the church told me to give more money to the church because I live in the age of grace, that my life would be financially abundant. I repeat, this never works!

What I learned is when I gave 60% of my income that year, I went broke, the church got richer, I got nothing from the church but a pat on the back. The church did not concern itself with my physical needs.  Now I know no one should give of their financial "need" to any organization ever! To not feel guilty for not giving your money, will take some unlearning, we have been brainwashed.  It is your money to steward for your life.

If you want get more money, you need to give something of value to the world in exchange for it. The church never taught me this.

Money is set up in this 5 senses world to receive when you give.  Spiritual rewards are for heaven, I need my earned money to pay for my life on earth now.  Inner peace comes from disciplined thoughts of non-judgment, but I did not learn non-judgement at church either.  So I stopped going to church and listening to their leaders begging for more money decades ago.  Consider what Wattles said...

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