Friday, March 17, 2017

Sleepy Hollow Cemetery Residents

In 1887 the town hall had a meeting and decided that all residents past and present of Concord, MA. could buy lots for their family at Sleepy Hollow Cemetery and be interred here alongside other natives.  Some of the past residents were famous authors that lived and met here for society in Concord in the mid to late 1800s.

"Authors Ridge" home to the graves of Emerson, Hawthorne, Thoreau, and Alcott may be the most well known but there are many other authors buried in this sacred resting place.

Transcendentalist, essayist, naturalist, and novelist all knew one another and dined together at Alcott's house from time to time.  All had modern day concerns from women suffragette to abolition of slavery.  What may have seemed to be "New Age Thinking" then is an accepted reality today.

There is a little known but equally noteworthy woman in town.  She came to the cemetery as a teen to work for a summer and loved it so much she stayed 30 years.  What began as a summer job that her parents thought would be less appealing, making this young woman "run" to a college education, did not work.  To day she works with many men in the public works department in Concord and is happy.

If you stop by the cemetery office she will gladly give you a map so you too can walk about this beautiful and historical necropolis.  Thank you "T."  If you are ever in Albany, give me a call. 😉

She like many of the independent women of this country chose to follow her own path and it has made all the difference in her happiness.  All women could be this happy if they followed their heart.

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