Saturday, March 4, 2017

Extremist Beliefs Can Lead To Violent Conclusions

Ok Byron Katie states in her teachings that victims are the angriest people. Upon closer inspection of this premise, we can see this is true.

It seems reading posts on Facebook that "extreme opinions of how other people should live" are the most violent.  To voice a differing opinion that is a peaceful viewpoint can get a fundamentalist fired up.

Today there was an article I felt needed further vetting before broadcasting on internet with negative judgements as absolute truth.  I responded with, "Let's get this information vetted before we make such a harmful blanket statement about all Muslims."

Quickly, an extreme reactionary wrote back in comment for all Muslims to leave and "I" should go with them. (Evidently someone with a different viewpoint has to go too. Gotta love America!)

I explained further...  *All "Christians" would not bomb a Planned Parenthood Clinic. So lighten up on all Muslims being violent. *

Even if one thought about it, most people have common sense that overrides the "action" to carry through with the thought. (When acting on a thought may "kill people," it has to be reconsidered, otherwise you are insane.) We all think violent thoughts (I don't want to kill anyone anymore, I told you I use to be very angry...) but I know that violence is not the long term answer. My rational mind wants peace.  This does not mean I do not stop domestic violence if I witness it. Peace is sanity, order is sanity, stopping violence is necessary to restore safety for all and for kindness to be the prevailing action.

This is getting detailed, (I paraphrase kinda) but Eckhart Tolle teaches that "arguing is a form of violence."  Including I am going to argue my point of view to the death of a relationship.  I have to be right all the time or make others see they are wrong...or one of us will have to go!

"I" have to be right is a form of violence.  

Eckhart Tolle further explains that having to be right is really a fear of death.  If the "I" which is right cannot survive then that is the death of "me."  The death of all I believe, is death to me. To get the teaching correctly straight from ET read The Power Of NOW.  

Reality, to really listen to another point of view is to expand awareness and find peaceful solutions.

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