Friday, March 24, 2017

L'ananas Tartin or how'du say Pineapple Casserole?

Finally a person I have wanted to have for dinner was able to come to our house last night.  My husband went to NYC to be with our eldest for his birthday.  So I thought this is a perfect time to have this fascinating local legend over for dinner.  This writer has written for the local newspaper for 60 years.

As always I ask what are the favorite foods, and was told, "I eat everything."

I asked what is the favorite dessert?  The reply, "I like everything."

So when I get these answers I meditate and choose to cook dishes that are inspired within me. Last night I was inspired to make home-made chicken pot pie and Pineapple Casserole. I am a Southern cook and I enjoy cooking so I expected my guest would be pleased with my selections.

This writer is educated and well traveled.  An unusual life and  lifestyle choices way ahead of the times.

When I served the chicken pot pie was told, "My compliments to the chef, I think I will have another serving."

We talked and found we have similar views on religion, politics, and society.  Refreshing to see someone 30 years my senior on-board with my somewhat "crazy" outlook.  My guest said, "Many people think I am crazy in my opinions." Voila! A kindred spirit.

When I served the pineapple casserole for dessert, it was a hit as well. "Delicious, I have never tasted anything like this. What is it, some French name?"  Just think to be here almost a hundred years  and say, "I have never tasted anything like this"made me happy to have introduced a new taste.

I loved the assumption that this Southern belle would even know how to cook anything French, so I said it's called  Pineapple Casserole, I use it as a side dish with ham... it is made with sugar, cheese, and pineapple, who knew?"  My guest again said, "I love pineapple, this is really good. I never learned how to cook."

As the evening wound down, I packed up extra chicken pot pie and "L'ananas  Tartin" and sent it home with my guest to enjoy a second time tomorrow.

I know I did.  What a wonderful, independent, kind, but strong person. I look forward to another dinner with this writer again.

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