Saturday, March 25, 2017

Unlearning Bad Parenting Choices Will Be Too Late

Parenting is the one role you do not get a second chance at.  

When we become adults we try to find what was not learned in childhood. We read self-help books, try another religion, trade in our marriage for another one, get another diploma, leave our own children in the care of someone else so we can move on with our life. Children are in the way of my work, and we need more money. 

Let's send the newborn child out of the house so we can be alone and get more work done. We need more money that will make our lives better. (All little children want is to be home with mother and father, especially as a newborn baby, **I think the parent that wants the child out of the house should leave and let the child stay in their home.)

These precious formative years will pass quickly never to be retrieved.  Too young to speak an opinion now will find their adult voice later.  And they will be dismissed by you again and told to get over it, after all you got over it. But did you?  Are you enough?

Maybe this is the cause of feelings of insecurity and not being enough. As children you were left in the care of someone that did not have time for you, and left you to be taken care of by strangers that had a schedule to keep, a stranger that was not as excited as parents every time the child does something new.  A stranger that is running a business of child care instead of teaching daily habits of living that include selecting good foods to eat, meditation, envisioning the life we want, exercise, focusing and playing all day with one child, your child. 

Children learn more from watching you than your words. Now they are watching day care workers for their blueprint of life.

Someone that cannot be as patient with your child as you because they are running a business and have other children to care for as well as yours. Your child does not learn they are number one, they learn they wait in line, all their life. It started in daycare.

We lost touch with the knowledge of the patient kindness and time it takes to grow everything from a flower to a happy child and a loving long-lasting relationship with a partner. Seems as if we have some UNLEARNING to do before life gets better, before we are happy. If money is more important than time with a baby, there is much "unlearning" to do here.  (T. Berry Brazelton pediatrician and author speaks to this best)

It is MUCH harder to unlearn things than to learn a thing the first time.

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