Sunday, March 5, 2017

You Believe What You Want To

IF you want to believe that Jesus Christ is your lord and savior, you will.  If your family believes it you will be taught to believe it too.

If you are born in India you may want to believe in Hinduism, if your family believes it you will be taught to believe this too. And so on...

This is true for every continent and country throughout the world. What do you believe?

I was taught to believe in Christianity but when the judgments of others who did not believe as I did were taught to me, I did not like it as much.  I found many reasons to believe that others, like me, could go no further than were taught and therefore should not be held accountable to my religious beliefs as being wrong nor I to theirs.

So I began a lifelong search to find my truth.  The belief that we are all one and we should all love one another.  What I learned was that all religions have rules and judgments that include some and exclude others.  This was heartbreaking to me so I became a human being, a member of the human race and kin to all mankind/womankind.

Eckhart Tolle teaches we all came from God.  This I can accept.

So I will study Eckhart Tolle not as a spiritual leader but a teacher of thought, how to control them, how to focus on the good in the world, all the world.

Human means this 5 senses form we live in, this body.  Being meaning the essence of God, the goodness of God.  This I believe because I want to.  What do you want to believe?

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